[@Krayzikk] Well for starters the mech was only equipped with sensors for obital and sub orbital flight originally. They had to make adjustments in order to fit in a terra based scanner so now the two don't have much range (working out the numbers for that). The LFHO radio is just a radio meant to work with minimum effort while still producing the need power to communicate with others (aka a stealth radio of sorts and still working that out). The targeting solution system works in tandem with the optics on the rifle since its primary roll was for space its system has advanced zoom capabilities with the necessary formulas and algorithms to give it a wide range for targeting. The ghillie suit and canopy is basically for stealth should the Mirage armor fail (failsafe). The armor is a combination of an existing concept for camo with an actual field tested armour (reactive armor ish easy to google) that AN/AQL whatever system is based off of an actual jamming system and the compensator boosters where meant for space adjustments but were converted to be used on terra or in space with space being its primary role. the sound refraction suspension and whatnot is basically to help muffle the movement of the mech itself, displacing the sound from within using specialized sound barriers (sound proofing stuff) yeah the more detailed things about range and what not are still being figured out xD