[quote=@Mr Rage] Also, I assume the point of Serah withdrawing and Sigma asking her to ask them to do a bombardment was because Serah would be leaving the jamming range by jumping out of the Atmosphere. [/quote] Yeah, that doesn't work. I already talked to Ariamis about it, and the only way to leave the battlefield (and thus the jamming) right now would be to board NOAH, which would count as desertion and is punishable by death. Serah is stuck fighting, even if she can't actually fight. [quote=@Mr Rage] Also, it occurs to me that we have all of this time that we are discussing this and making plans, that we should probably be doing some collab posting. [/quote] Easier said than done. EDIT: [quote=@Gate Keeper] Past: [hider=Map][img]http://i.imgur.com/gD1s0u9.png[/img][/hider] [/quote] God, I forgot what kind of a clusterfuck we started with. How did we even survive this up 'till now?