LOL. I would have gone overboard with gifs too. :newlol because it's fun going overboard. Anyway, I was thinking the same thing, the two of them being infected with the same disease. But what disease do we give them? Something incapacitating obviously (since Jacob is bed ridden) and something progressive. I was actually thinking that we could make Jacob have disorientation later in the game... he will be unable to provide needed info and guidance for Julia making Julia vulnerable and at the same time panicky that she's not by his side. -insert dramatic music here- Maybe make up some sort of DNA virus that leeches onto the system. First to go would be motor functions (Jacob being bedridden) and then sensory and then maybe the memory starts to fade, it becomes sort of jumbled up... and then the paranoia, the disorientation...and of course all of it leading to eventual death. I was thinking that this virus could be the reason why the rest of the humans have decided to convert to machine. I'm thinking of a fancy name to give the virus but coming up with a blank for the moment... What do you think? And for the first few posts,I was thinking maybe we can have them together in the fortress. The scene before Julia goes down to Earth.