A few generations ago much of humanity left the surface of their world for grand floating cities in the sky. Virtual utopians of the modern age, pristine in beauty and with every convenience. If you can pay for it. Down bellow on the planet's surface the poorest of humanity are left try and scrounge out a living by mining for raw materials and in particular a glassy, black substance called monthium, a magnificent power source of great energy and lifespan. It is used in power plants to float the cities above the planet, power all consumer devices and propel vehicles indefinitely. So long as the mining continues energy will remain a non-issue to the upper classes above. Society is divided into three main castes. The lower class who mine resources for the cities above, the middle class who populate the cities and make up the workforce of various mega corporations and the corporate officials who control everything. It is possible to move up in these castes, but it is rare and a promotion is almost always equalized by someone else's demotion. The everyday citizen need not worry about open conflict between any great powers. War would disrupt business so the mega corporations settle disputes with mock battles and tournaments that are televised to the whole world for entertainment. These battles are fought with mechanical frames, humanoid vehicles designed for combat and powered by monthian reactors. They replaced most conventional fighting vehicles, but are still early on in their development and the populace is entertained as much by their violent combat as their technological advancement. Occasionally however, grand tournaments are held with fortunes for prizes. Such events are open to anyone who wishes to enter and the third of these tournaments is to be held soon with the grandest prize yet. Your very own flying city for your own personal use. Perhaps a way to escape the slums bellow a private getaway for you and your richest friends or perhaps a staging point for a revolution. Its all up to the winner. ------ So yeah mecha tournament put on by mega corps to pacify the citizens of magnificent sci-fi floating cities. We'd probably start things off shortly before this tournament and possibly continue past it to maybe a war or something. I want mechs to be more on a lower end of power in general. feel free to have some crazy thing in say a prototype, this tournament would be a great place to unveil new technologies, but try and limit to maybe one or two cool advanced things, like turning invisible, having energy weapons or transforming. Additionally I'm going for a height for these more like 20-30 feet rather than 20-30 meters. [hider=Rules] 1) All Guild rules and regulations apply 2) Activity is appreciated 3) No character limit, but only make characters if you can keep them active. 4) No god mod, metagaming or bunnying - we all know the drill. 5) Smut and sexy type stuff goes to PM. Kissing is okay, touchy feely goes. 6) Proper grammar, spelling and punctuation is much appreciated. I won't be a tyrant, but at least try to keep your posts readable. 7) Please ask before making any large events, so they can be planned and announced with minimal confusion. 8) Post characters in OOC, IC or PM to me for submission. I will respond as soon as I can. [/hider] [hider=Mega Corps] [hider=Monthas Corporation] The oldest and most powerful Corporation. It owns the right to and collects royalties on all floating cities and Monthian reactors in the world solidifying its power. Monthas was founded in the early days of the age by Richard R. Monthas. It originally sold only the monthian reactors, but now finds itself competive in most consumer markets. [/hider] [hider=Nexus Corporation] Nexus Corp is a relatively young corporation that sells mostly civilian design machines, from machines for construction to leisure vehicles for the rich. Due to its age it is not as highly regarded as the other corps, though they have ousted a few other smaller corps out of their piece of land. Their designs are mostly known for their reliability instead of aesthetics, which does make the Luna Fighter a bit of an anomaly. Johann V. Baker is the current head of the corp, a 30 year old bear of a man who looks like he belongs more in a forest wrestling dangerous wildlife. -Created by GreenGoat [/hider] [hider=Krupp] Krupp is a very old name in alloy, artillery and munitions production. The venerable corporation was one of the most productive corporations during the early 20th century, Krupp has since continued their stable and impressive history of a reliable manufacturer with vast numbers of contracts for private security supplies and new construction materials. Although technically older than Monthas, Krupp fell out of favour during the last great war. Economic collapse caused the great industrial giant to recede back into a smaller role, only recently expanding to that which they were before the crisis. While Montha and Krupp are in a contract deal regarding the sales of materials and reactors, Krupp has been striving to produce their own variant of the Monthian Reactor to little success. It has lead to more than one legal battle and a few known under-the-rug scenarios with failed tests, but the company has been able to stay afloat so far. It now manufactures a wide array of Mechanized Suits that are employed in many roles, from industrial lifters to Mobile Artillery. Krupp has a vision, the future is now. - Created by Cayden Black [/hider] [hider=Hell Hounds] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT0T7guDIoB6eiENRFaJULt2OsEFlFOKst-h7-UztW5ykZ6VtVk[/img] The Hell hounds are a young security company, only about 60 years old, and have been carving out their niche with a philosophy of brutality and uncompromising resilience. These philosophies have permeated the Hell Hounds mech design, financial and diplomatic decisions. With their impressive resilience they have ground several competing security companies to oblivion without ever firing a shot. They have also bankrupt a few competators by low-balling contracts and gouging the profits away from others. Their Mechs come in several designs: The atlas, their primary mech. the Catapult, A walking missile barrage. and the Goliath, a Black ops/scout mech. using these designs together makes the Hell hounds a formidable force albeit much smaller than the mech forces that any of the mega corps could field. - Created by Sorphus [/hider] More will be added later, but which ones will be added depend on whether or not people add particular mega corps [/hider] [Hider=History] [b]Richard R. Monthas:[/b] The late Richard R. Monthas discovered the glassy black substance we used to power the world as it is known. He founded the Monthas corporation to market monthium reactors. This basically solved all energy concerns for mankind and made him fabulously wealthy. However when wars started to brake out using mechanical frames powered by his reactors he ordered the construction of the first floating city. Utopia. [b]Utopia:[/b] The original Floating city it is however better known as the greatest tragedy of the Last War. Despite Monthas insisting on remaining neutral in the conflict his greatest achievement was eventually targeted as an act of terror. The city was ruined, its people slaughtered and Richard R. Monthas was publicly executed before the whole thing crashed into the earth and permanently scarred the planet. afterwards Richard's son Dominick Lead a second generation of mechanical frames to destroy all other factions in the war. [b]The Last War:[/b] Named as it was to be the final war of humanity it saw the introduction of mechanical frames to the battlefield, the scarring of the planet's surface and the destruction of all world governments. Since then all conflict has officially been done through mock battles to keep the peace though shadow raids and rebellions and not uncommon. They just get wiped from the public record. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] -Character Sheet- [b]Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Gear:[/b] (Any significant personal equipment or important personal effects go here, but this section may not apply to your character.) [b]Abilities: Personality: History: Extras:[/b] (In case there’s something important that doesn’t fit anywhere else or any trivial details you want to add for any reason) [/hider] MECH GUIDLINES: Looking for more of a lower power baseline. Slower mechs that do not have perfect articulation for say hands or swordplay, they walk fine. The standard height will be 20 feet with a variance of about 10 feet, but if you want to go further talk to me. Weapons are ammunition based and you can describe weapons more like analogs to firearm categories like pistol or assault rifle. They will be much less effective relatively because of armor, but I feel like most mechs should be able to take a good number of hits before going down. Armor is at its worst assumed to still be lighter and more durable than the most heavily armored tanks of today. Jump jets for quick bursts of speed and longish distance jumps are common, but not standard. You are welcome to have a prototype with advanced technology, but I would prefer that mechs only have one advancement each for now. things that may be considered an advancement are energy weapons, flight, a transforming frame, controlling the mech with your body or mind etc. If I didn't mention it and you are worried about wether or not I'd consider it an advancement please talk to me. [hider=Mech Sheet] -Mech Sheet- [b]Name: Appearance:[/b] (Pictures or text is fine) [b]Height: Weight:[/b] [b]History and Development: Weapons and Equipment:[/b] [/hider] [hider=Example Mechs] [hider=MMF Enforcer] [b]Name:[/b] MMF Enforcer [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b4/e0/99/b4e099b7dd16bc38b3a652fc0d39a3a9.jpg[/img] [b]Height:[/b] 6m [b]Weight:[/b] 20 tons [b]History and Development:[/b] The Monthas Mechanical Frame Enforcer, originally the MMF Scrounger, was conceived originally as a mining machine aid in the acquisition of more Monthium, but it was pressed into military service days after Utopia crashed into the planet as the bread and butter mech of the Monthas Corporation. The main advancement of the Enforcer was in its hands. They were able to grasp and fire upscaled versions of infantry weapons eliminating the need to carry ammunition inside the frame and allowing each mech to serve many roles. The enforcer was not designed to withstand the rigors of war and often malfunctioned on the battlefield, but despite this it was manufactured in numbers great enough to dwarf other armies. Production stopped after the war and the surplus was sold off to various mining communities so that the Enforcer could serve its intended purpose. The mech is sometimes used today by security forces and is relatively popular among rebels and other dissidents because of how easy they are to come by. [b]Weapons and Equipment:[/b] Most enforcers were armed with a single assault rifle, but rocket launchers, cannons, anti-air missile pods and rail guns were not uncommon. [/hider] [hider=MMF Judgement] [b]Name:[/b] MMF Judgement [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img05.deviantart.net/20d8/i/2013/130/d/6/medium_mech_by_bflynn22-d64roly.jpg[/img] [b]Height:[/b] 6.1m [b]Weight:[/b] 24 tons [b]History and Development:[/b] The modern day upgrade to the Enforcer with better armor, speed and able to handle the stress of extended combat, the Judgement was built for security forces and is typical protection for most cities where Monthas controls the majority of the market. This model was paired alongside the Monthas Mechanical Arms line of weapons, upgraded and commercialized versions of the weapons employed by the enforcer during the Last War, but sold as generic weapons for any frame with advanced enough hands to use them, which isn’t very advanced these days. Lastly the Judgement was the first mech to use an EHPS (Electronic Hyper Propulsion System). [b]Weapons and Equipment:[/b] Typical Armaments include a MMA assault rifle, but many multi barreled grenade, missile or rocket launchers. The grenade launcher is most common and is often used for tear gas grenades and other crowd dispersal tools. Additionally it has an EHPS, which converts power from its monthian reactor into thrust, allowing it to jump great distances in one burst of movement or simply dash out of the way of an attack. [/hider] [hider=Hellfire] [b]Name:[/b] Hellfire [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img05.deviantart.net/c4cd/i/2011/326/2/d/mobile_mechanized_artillery_unit_by_psypher101-d4gxgd6.jpg[/img] [b]Height:[/b] 7.62m [b]Weight:[/b] 40 tons [b]History and Development:[/b] An early design that saw action throughout the Last War the Hellfire served as a mobile artillery piece to support offensives from wherever it needed to be. The design was eventually adopted and adapted to all sides in the war. With the change to the nature of combat the Hellfire has become mostly a museum piece these days, but the prolific nature of its use in the war means that quite a few remain in operation or lie abandoned somewhere to be scavenged for parts. [b]Weapons and Equipment:[/b] The Hellfire’s armament varied from military to military, but it was often simply given a single large artillery gun and some machine guns for defense. Sometimes however they would be armed with multiple smaller artillery pieces a single gun and two massive Long range rocket pods. [/hider] [hider=Golem] [b]Name:[/b] Golem [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v172/OptimalMegatron/FMP/savage.jpg[/img] [b]Height:[/b] 7m [b]Weight:[/b] 26 tons [b]History and Development:[/b] The Golem is a mining mech popular across the world’s surface for its robust and reliable build. It has been in use for decades and is still top dog thanks to its modular design which limits the number of machines required by a community and allows for easy upgrading on the occasion that new parts hit the market. [b]Weapons and Equipment:[/b] The Golem’s standard arms are capable of wielding non-integrated weapons such as theMMA or similar lines, but when forced to fight it will often still be equipped with drills or other mining equipment. [/hider] [hider=Catapult] Name: Catapult Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/11/fc/92/11fc927a9d6d216355651a1163622773.jpg[/img] Height: 20ft Weight: 50 tons History and Development: Designed by the Hell hounds for heavy fire support of the Atlas. It is in grave danger if engaged, it is reasonably armored but does not have short range weapons. They are kept safe by their Atlas counterparts and their punishing barrages of missiles. The missile racks are built for easy reloading in the field, so that infantry teams can load additional missiles into the mech during combat. Weapons and Equipment: LRM 30 X2 - A missile rack with 30 tubes of long range missiles with a heavy payload, carries enough missiles for 3 full salvos MRM 15 X4 - chest mounted missiles with 15 tubes each, they carry medium range missiles with a heavy payload. They carry enough missiles for 4 full salvos Boosters - Light boosters to dodge a missile or artillery barrage, short range but better than the Atlas [/hider] [/hider] I am interested in expanding the lore based on what people wish to include and I'll try to fill the remaining gaps when everyone else is all set with things. hopefully things aren't too vague to begin with. Again feel free to suggest anything and everything for new elements. I am also not attached to the name and suggestions for the name are welcome. Oh, if you're interested in making more of a villain PM me because I have ideas. Characters: Cayden Black: Jon Carter / PANZER JAEGER XVIII/C - Krupp Corporation Cultural Titan: [color=fff200]Garret Taylor / Tempest[/color] - Monthas Corporation GreenGoat: [color=6ecff6][color=00aeef][color=6ecff6]Clarence Belle / Luna Fighter[/color][/color][/color] - Nexus Corporation Sophrus: Nicolai Astrovia / Atlas - Hell Hounds Mercenary Corp Urbanliner: Brian Archer / Snowstorm - Monthas Corporation