[@Jasonhero][@Mr Rage][@Gate Keeper] Oh, by the way, I get the feeling you three are using the wrong line of thinking with MIST. Let's go over what we know:[list] [*]It's a gas-like spherical weapon. It doesn't seem to be a piloted mechanism as what is inside would be liquified. [*]It seems to be sentient to a degree. [*]Ally and enemy are the same to it. [*]It is deadly to anything that lives. [*]It reacts negatively to energy based weaponry, but fires in retaliation. [*]It passes through anything and everything, like an intense version of radiowaves. [*]The only known way to get rid of it without casualty currently is by launching it into orbit. (And that isn't even known to the TROAS squad) [/list] This, to me, sounds like a fully automated machine that protects itself whenever it feels a threat is around. Even if we didn't target it directly and just set off explosions around it, 9/10 chance it's going to go off anyway because it feels threatened. If that happens, we fucked up. The question isn't whether or not we can attack it without targetting, it's if we can get rid of it without setting it off. If we damaged it in any way it'd just fry the surroundings and the mission fails. We don't have access to Elora's fancy telekinesis, so that's out of the question. If we only think on how to damage it we'll get nowhere, we need to create some sort of shockwave that launches the thing so far away we'd never see it again before it fires.