A long walk and a few close calls later, Cáel and Kuji found themselves moving towards a growing horde of walkers. The mass seemed to be moving on a police station. Quickly Kuji and Cáel hid behind a wrecked car across from the station. "Well buddy, think that's where the noise came from?" -growl- "Yep, sounds about right.. think they're still in there?" -light whine- "Probably not, I wonder any good way to signal to them?" After a few minutes Cáel decided to try and send a message, getting a reflection off of the naval sword he moved it across the windows hoping someone would see it, if they were still there. "Silent, but effective, whatcha think Kuji?" But Kuji was to distracted, staring intently at the walkers, even an animal knows how stupid we are to be here right now.