[center][h3][b][color=SkyBlue]Emily[/color] and [color=Coral]Thierry[/color] Douglas[/b][/h3]Interacting with: Kong ([@DragonKingUk])[/center][hr][hr] "[color=SkyBlue]Seat-belts on, Thierry. I'm about to land[/color]". Emily's distorted voice droned through the speakers of the jet that her brother had acquired for them after hacking an automatic transactions machine for cash. Thierry sat in the cockpit with his feet kicked up and arms behind his head, waving off her sister's warning with a simple flick of his wrist. "[color=Coral]Stop stressing, Sis. You'll get wrinkles.[/color]" Thierry was skimming over the letter he and his sister had received to attend the academy. Despite his laid back attitude, Thierry was ecstatic about the idea of attending the school and learning to control his powers. He gazed out through the window as the jet approached the floating islands. His jaw dropped at the magnificent sight of the school. However, he didn't have much time to appreciate before a sudden, jolting landing sent him flying off of his seat. The lights on the radar blinked in amusement, lighting up to form a silhouette of Emily's face. "[color=SkyBlue]Have a nice trip? I did warn you[/color]". She chuckled, before sparks began to dance along the surface of the control board. Thousands of pixels leapt straight from the machine and converged together into an amalgamation of energy. With a flash of light, Emily's physical body was reformed from the energy. Without her powering the machine, it fell silent and still. Emily was indifferent to joining the academy. She didn't share her brother's enthusiasm, but the idea of pushing her limits did sound appealing. Thierry pulled himself up off the floor and departed the jet with a grunt of annoyance directed at his sister. Despite only renting the transport, it seemed that they wouldn't be returning it anytime soon. Thierry thought it best to keep it on the grounds in case he felt like mimicking Emily's powers and taking it for a joy ride. The two of them walked up to the Grand Hall. It was quite an impressive building, though it seemed the twins had much more pressing matters. "[color=SkyBlue]Oh God, please have Wi-Fi[/color]". Emily pulled out her laptop and retreated to the back of the room, not bothering to glance at any of her fellow students that had already gathered. Meanwhile, Thierry's attention was immediately snatched by the peculiar sight of an anthropomorphic monkey that seemed to be permanently set on fire. Ignoring the creature's look of disdain, Thierry planted himself down in front of Kong with his eyes beaming in awe. "[color=Coral]Sick, a flaming monkey! Emily, come look at this guy![/color]" Thierry beckoned his sister over, but his attempt to gain her attention was met with a scornful glare, followed by a roll of her eyes as she popped in her headphones and began to type away on the keyboard. Shrugging, Thierry turned his gaze back to Kong and leaned in closer. "[color=Coral]So, like, can you set that Bo Staff on fire as well? That'd be awesome.[/color]"