[center][h1][color=6ecff6]Nevan[/color][/h1][/center] After the meeting ended, Nevan slowly flew back home. She enjoyed flying at night, something many actually disliked due the fact the visibility was very bad usually, not to mention the temperature was quite lower up in the skies than down on ground level. Still both those were not much of a problem to her. Being attuned to darkness and light she could easily adjust her eyesight and as for the temperature, she simply didn’t really find it much different. She was not a human thus her body could stand a whole lot different degrees of temperature range. Granted she wasn’t like some metahumans who could withstand even down to absolute zero and the heat of the sun without breaking a sweat, but for most things one could find on this planet she was recently alright with…( jumping into volcano not withstanding!) After about an hour, flying about in the most roundabout ways, she finally landed on the balcony of her apartment. It was a nice 3 rooms abode with which she was quite satisfied with. Once upon a time she used to live in a home that was the size of a stadium, but those were the old days in her world… And she lived there more out of obligation from her status back then. In fact she loved smaller homes like this one. They had a lot more homey feeling and she loved it! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next night ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nevan was dressed in her usual ‘uniform’ for when she was doing hero work as she was already descending towards Archer. She also had a small custom tailored bag attacked to her left leg similarly to how a gun holster would be. Finally she gently landed by the side alley and then walked over to the front door, entering and heading to the back room where they had the meeting last night. The demoness had a gently happy smile on her face as she entered. The first person she saw was Jacque.[color=6ecff6]” Good evening, Jaque. How are you?”[/color] She asked as she made her way deeper into the room, before noticing Luna. [color=6ecff6]“Good evening, Luna.”[/color] She greeted the girl, reaching over to her small bag and pulling a small phone from it. She next reached it over to the girl.[color=6ecff6]” Luna, you can use this one for the time being. I heard you last night and since I don’t really use it myself right now, you can make use of it during missions for the time being.”[/color] She stated, slightly minding her words as some people would take offense if they are shown pity. She hoped by wording it like this, it would make the girl feel better towards the idea of using the phone for now.