[center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pInrJ72eeUU[/youtube][/center] Once upon a time, there was a land called Arcadia. The center of trade and the height of culture and technology, Arcadia was a gem among nations. The one day, one black and bloody day, it all changed. Arcadia was plunged into war, whether it was man or monster, beast or demon, no one remembers, because they all melded together. The once beautiful and prospering society became a wasteland, bringing death and destruction to all unfortunate enough to be in her borders. All military forces were defeated in the face of the threat, no one could quell the flow of chaos. Then two units banded together, The Arcadian Musician Corps, a force of 200 Arcadian Soldiers that were the most skilled musicians in all of Arcadia, perhaps the world. They were renowned for inspiring fearlessness in their combat counterparts and were known to be skilled in sword and spear combat, which they equipped along with their instruments. The other unit was the 1st Arcadian Engineer Battalion, 150 soldier-engineers that managed to survive longer than all other units to their superior knowledge of defense and commendable skill with firearms and blades. These two units were perhaps the last surviving military force in Arcadia and they integrated to survive. The newly formed unit lead thousands of civilians out of Arcadia to neighboring countries. The music of the unit was a symbol of hope for survivors in the hellscape. Paired with their dark and tattered uniforms, those who were rescued began to refer to the unit as the 'Black Parade'. It has been 25 years since the fall of Arcadia and The Black Parade is still marching through her ruined lands, keeping The Threat (which has been referred as such as no knew what to classify a combination of man, beast, monster, and demon combined and unified.) at bay and escorting and directing survivors to safe zones. Their numbers have since been risen to 930 soldiers and are known throughout every corner of the planet... [center][i][b]Et in Arcadia ego[/b][/i][/center] [center][b]****[/b][/center] Welcome to The Black Parade, a steampunk, fantasy, military, post-apolypticish roleplay. And yes, it was inspired by the MCR song 'The Black Parade'. This will be a grim roleplay, complete with blood and monstrosities and it is not for the faint of heart. Characters will die, as this is a war roleplay and despite The Black Parade's impressive reputation, it has a very high mortality rate. I'm a pretty laid back type of guy, I'm not gonna stifle jokes or police super minor details (Not in casual anyway.). I do ask that you not be a dick and cooperate with your fellow RPers. Other than that, no other rules but enjoy yourself. This is a high casual roleplay, so I expect at least a paragraph per post and a certain standard of quality. If there is interest in this, I will flesh out the world a bit more. So... Who's ready to fight?