WIP [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Nicolai Astrovia Age: 26 Gender: M Appearance: [img]http://img02.deviantart.net/fcb4/i/2010/242/8/9/starcraft_ii_spectre_by_zergrex-d2xo5bp.png[/img] Gear: Battle harness (chest plate used to secure Nicolai into the Mech) Combat Helmet (Protect the pilot's head and neck from injury and provide a detailed HUD with Aim assist systems, vision systems Infrared+low light, and radar systems) Rebreather (ensures safe supply of air for up to 2 hours in the event of toxic fumes or smoke) Abilities: Well trained in heavy assault tactics and medium-short range combat, utilizing the pulse beam to melt his target's armor and then chew through it with a punishing barrage of missiles or bullets. Personality: Nicolai is an aggressive tank of a man, happy in the thick of mech combat or in a bar room brawl. He is rowdy and will stir up trouble whenever he can, but he is most at home in the Atlas mech suit, shrugging off damage and History:((WIP)) [/hider] [hider=Atlas] Appearance: [img]http://img.youtube.com/vi/4i-J7-Zi5-0/0.jpg[/img] Height: 18ft Weight: ~25 tons fully loaded History and Development: Weapons and Equipment: MRM 15 rocket pod - Medium range missiles with lock on ability, fires 15 High yield missiles per salvo (10 salvo capacity) Rotary cannons x3 - Large caliber belt fed guns, not terribly damaging, but will cause damage to weak points or with sustained fire. (several thousand rounds each) Pulse Beam cannon - An overclocked version of a mining laser, only able to fire for a few moments before the capacitor needs to recharge and the weapon needs to cool. Used to superheat armor making it weak to other attacks. (low damage alone) Endo-Steel Armor - the Atlas is extremely heavily armored capable of surviving extreme bombardments of damage. [/Hider]