[@thewizardguy][@supertinyking] "public information doesn't interest me, marine...? should i call you marine? i don't really care. private knowledge is the most difficult to obtain and you're asking me to completely obliterate a species under your payroll and while one i'd do for free if i found them interesting, the other half of that statement sits about as well with me as adding all your secrets to that pool of public knowledge you're trying to hand off to me, so you can understand why my asking price is so high. On the other hand, a power core is an easy replacement and judging from the scans i took of the space craft in question I could easily replace it for very little... I am... unused to this... trading" Xel'rath states emotinlessly, and while he could practically feel the displeasure rolling off the space marine as well as the discomfort without needing to continue to scan him, it was like being asked to blind himself to his surroundings and it didn't sit well with him either. "I'm sure your scientific teams aren't needed or wanted with that knowledge within the public pool" xel'rath states evenly more for the sheeple's benefit than his own since he'd been nice enough to help him as well. While he could see the space marine's position, he also couldn't help but notice how little everyone else's position was being taken into consideration, and while he was unskilled with diplomacy, he could spot the issues with everyone around him just as easilly as hindsight was letting him see his own.