I hope this is alright Titan, I designed a new company using an existing one that has history in WW2 for german tank production. If I need to change or tweak anything please let me know. [hider=Character] Name: John Carter Age: 43 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Images][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ba/0e/75/ba0e75d8d6da08f48cebbc1e952772c1.jpg[/img] Civilian Style [img]https://kisuny.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/sci-fi-bar1.jpg?w=590&h=590&crop=1[/img] Miltary Attire[/hider] Gear: No unusual Equipment. Abilities: Uncanny resilience and a good understanding of the MECH systems he pilots due to experience. He may be considered valiant, but John just see's himself as another soldier. Personality: Strong silent type is not quite an accurate description for John. He's mellowed over the years due to skirmishes and the odd 'private war' between companies. He's made friends, and lost them, but he keeps going. Even with his experience leading men, John prefers to just do a job than give it. History: Carter has been in skirmishes most of his adult life. After becoming a private in KRUPPS, a German company that focused on producing machinery of all sorts, Carter soon found himself in private wars against other small earth bound factions, some of his most notable battles being the 'Alps Dispute' over Alpine mining contracts that exploded into a small break off attempt by angry populace. His military service indicates that he lead a small group to penetrate enemy lines and neutralized their artillery. To John, it was the day he watched half his friends get killed. Back then most of the KRUPPS mechanized Armour were little more than tanks on legs, yet he was able to not only operate one without training but place the luckiest of shots on an exposed munitions cart that initiated the chain reaction which destroyed the artillery emplacements. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c2/91/18/c29118e3c2983ca793e36b26daef9a6d.jpg[/img] After the incident Krupps landed with favoured security contracts, and Michael eventually became a part time test pilot for Armoured units, giving feedback on his experiences with KRUPPS designs and how well they performed in military scenarios, while maintaining his duties for skirmish operations. In that time he did manage to settle down for a time and even have a son, but it was a short lived dream for John. After another Caste Riot he was informed that his wife had been killed in a terror attack, and that his son was now living with his grand parents while Carter was on operation duty. In this time he did was he could to stay focused, turning from a somewhat typical soldier to a more quiet and reserved figure. The final tragedy was his falling out with his son Dominic, who had decided to join a private firm himself as his father had. The fight went on for weeks until the two just stopped talking. John hasn't heard from his since, and that was 3 years ago. Extras: John does carry an aged photograph of a young woman and a child with faded writing on the back.[/hider] [hider=Mech] Name: PANZER JAEGER XVIII/C Appearance: [img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/c751/th/pre/i/2010/240/a/2/mech_suit_by_flyingdebris-d2xhg31.jpg[/img] Height: 21ft Weight: 68 Tonnes History and Development: Jaeger XVIII, or just Hunter by most in the field, was a development by KRUPPS to counter enemy light units on the field. The Original design featured a back mounted 88mm twin cannon but the inertia from firing caused significant damage to the frame and was thus removed on the first models. A variants, the first to be produced, were armed with standard armour piercing vulcan rounds on an internal housed chain fed rota cannon fitting onto the left arm, with a single use missile launcher to long strikes against aircraft. B variants were later adjusted with a grenade launcher module instead and the back mounted cannon was re introduced, but the 88MM guns were down graded to a more functional twin firing 40MM self loading Anti Tank system, with the need to remain in a starting race position to brace during firing. If the unit were to remain standing, the suit would topple itself from the force. C Variants tried to become the jack of all trades system. Retaining the grenade launcher of the B Variant but having numerous additions made to the overall performance. In short, the C variant got a much needed face lift. The Hunter has now been serving in skirmish and patrol duties for over 9 years and is still going strong as a mainstay Mech. Weapons and Equipment: Twin belt fed Vulcan Cannons with Anti-armour/tracer rounds featuring both primary and reserve magazines giving a total of 92 seconds full auto before ammunition expenditure. Grenade Launcher with duel fed barrel system for two firing modes, High Explosive and Fragmentation with 12 rounds for each type. The back mounted system is a 55MM self loading Anti Armour piece, but only has the one barrel and no reserve systems along with only 6 rounds/1 clip before ammunition expenditure. The Jaeger is plated in 240mm thick plating, with CHOBHAM Armour on vital sections of the frame. Limbs are easily removed for maintainence and replacement for rapid repairs on field deployments. Jaegers are also built with a small power unit aside from the Monthian Reactor, allowing weapons to still function in the event of a power failure. The suit will only function for approximately 3 minutes in such an occurrence and can not move. Giving pilots vital time to set an auto firing system and evacuate the suit. [/hider]