[center][h1]The Saurilian Empire[/h1] [img]https://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/sawl__292291.png[/img] [/center] [hr] [h2]Zellonian Aggression[/h2] "The Zellonian Fleet refuses to leave" reads many headlines throughout the Saurilian Empire, painting even worse of a name of the Zellonians for the Empire's citizens. Even worse is that the Blutlandians have formed a new alliance over the "Seljuk Aggression," when in fact the Zellonians are the ones who being aggressive. While, yes, they had good intentions, the Zellonians did not ask if men could be landed or if their ships could help the Seljuk Empire. Now, they have to pay the price and accept that the Seljuk Empire have taken a ship as reparations for this outrage. The Zellonians shall be seen as a threat to the world's stability should they continue on this path, such can bring the ire of all nations to clash in a potentially devastating war. The Saurilians wish to avoid war for as long as possible, but will not go to lengths of appeasement. [hider=Monthly Production] [b]Treasury[/b] $9,000,000 [b][u]MONTHLY PRODUCTION[/u][/b] -- [[b]Tsungmao Texitles[/b]] - [[b]Textile Factory[/b]] - [[b]+20% Income[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$120,000,000[/i]] -- [[b]Vault Home Provider[/b]] - [[b]Textile Factory[/b]] - [[b]+20% Income[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$120,000,000[/i]] -- [[b]Vault Assemblies[/b]] - [[b]Textile Factory[/b]] - [[b]+20% Income[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$120,000,000[/i]] -- [[b]Maximoff Industries[/b]] - [[b]Industrial Factory[/b]] - [[b]None[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000[/i]] -- [[b]Maximoff Industrial Factory[/b]] - [[b]Industrial Factory[/b]] - [[b]None[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000[/i]] -- [[b]Lithuanian Arms Manufactures[/b]] - [[b]Arms Factory[/b]] - [[b]+20% Arms[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000[/i]] -- [[b]Heil Munitions[/b]] - [[b]Arms Factory[/b]] - [[b]+20% Arms[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000[/i]] -- [[b]Lithuanian Arms Manufactures[/b]] - [[b]Arms Factory[/b]] - [[b]+20% Arms[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000[/i]] -- [[b]Throng's Ship Manufacturing[/b]] - [[b]Minor[/b]] - [[i]SS "Silent Rain"[/i]] -- [[b]Throng's Dockyard[/b]] - [[b]Minor[/b]] - [[i]SS "Disputer"[/i]] -- [[b]Faresian Trade Corps[/b]] - [[b]Minor[/b]] - [[i]SS "Rasputin"[/i]] [b]Total Income:[/b] $869,000,000 [hr] [b]Maintenance[/b] [i]Running Factories[/i] - $200,000,000 (8 Factories) [i]Paying Soldiers[/i] - $270,000,000 (270,000 Men) [i]Paying Reservists[/i] - $60,000,000 (120,000 Men) [i]Ship Maintenance[/i] - $29,160,000 (65 ships + 50 steamers) [i]Artillery Maintenance[/i] - $360,000 (360 light cannons) [i]Aviation Maintenance[/i] - $24,000 (20 scouts) [b]Total Maintenance[/b] - $559,544,000 [b]Budget Remaining[/b] - $309,456,000 [hr] [b]Actions[/b] [i]Industrial Research[/i] - $30,456,000 [i]Paying of Tsungmao[/i] - $50,000,000 [i]Build an automotive factory[/i] - $250,000,000 - Minister of the Interior: Alexander Sabsen [Factory Build Cost -10%] = 225,000,000 [b]To the Treasury / Remaining Money[/b] - $4,000,000 [/hider]