MECH is just a far simpler way of saying Mechanical Frame. That seemed too much of a mouthful for a division of fighters who would be in the thick of combat to yell out. Considering it's just an abbreviation I see no issue myself. Military roles, regardless of time periods, would still exist. They don't have to be at war to have a military after all, and the whole purpose of machines like these seemed to imply the idea of a "deterrent" to war. Again not much of a difference to today, every country still has an army regardless of being at war or not. As for the combat history, it wasn't a whole situation of "World War, RARGH!", more of small scale operations, again looking at situations of today and the cold war era. The combat he's been in would be much like the Syrian combat of today and the noted skirmish he was in was a sort of near brush to open conflict that nearly spiraled out of control. He's not been in a full scale war, but his combat record shows he's been in a lot of conflict on Earth. And don't worry, he's not exactly a man who brags about combat, he's supposed to find it distressing if nothing else, but does it because it has to be done. As for size and weight, I actually based it very much off real tanks, only looking at sizes and weight and trying to accurately increase them on a somewhat reasonable level. Again, following that the company was the real one that made tanks during WW2, the weight is a fictional increase of that of the TIGER 1 model. Height wise I was trying to follow the guidelines you set, being on average around 20ft. If it needs to grow that's not an issue for me, but it's not meant to be the biggest of the bunch for certain. I can look back on the idea and try to adjust, but the armour will sort of explain the weight here. The Vulcan cannons are rather bog standard for a suit designed primarily with an anti-personnel role in mind, but they can chew through armour at a decent enough pace with the AP rounds they are loaded with, so small and light vehicles are easy targets. It's a suit not designed to all out attack a heavy target, but do so in groups. The Grenade launcher is tucked into the same arm as the Vulcan's, sort of a one two punch deal there. The back mounted system is just a large cannon that can't be fitted to the arms (they'd be pulled off by the force) that allows it to become a sort of anti armour weapons platform during engagements against heavier opponents. This works best in the grouped formations they are deployed in field operations. The Image has the rocket pod where this cannon would be. The Armour is modern standard for plating, but the Jaeger employs it all across the chassis, contributing to a significant weight ratio compared to other sized suits. I saw it spelt Mothian in one of your paragraphs, but that's no biggie. His excuse for being in the tournament? Well it's not really his first choice, but his company want to 'field test' their standard suit against everyone else. See how it handles over the 9 years it's been in service and take that info to the newer models. It's more obligation than ambition that drives him here. I'll update height and weight if you like, can always add another 3 feet to the thing and slim it down a tad on the weight side, but do you want me to add the company info in my character sheet or another post?