[quote=@Peaceless] Reporting in. Thanks for the template, [@LegionPothIX]. Now to figure out how to join the IC... [/quote] You're welcome, I'll read through your character and give you some pointers on where we are, and where you might be able to slip in. So far, Iron reads like a security, or anti-boarding combat specialist, and not a technician/engineer. Specifically, being in engineering doesn't make the best use of the character's talents, and skills, nor does it forward her goals and aspirations. She may hear that the Chief Engineer is a bit tech obsessed himself, and is the go-to guy for wacky off the wall applications of tech, but [i]being[/i] an engineer just doesn't sound like the cloth she's cut from. [quote=Iron's Sheet]They had given her the technology to override this decision, to stowaway on the Ark and plant herself in the database of the maintenance crew of the ship. This would do, for a start.[/quote] I should mention this is never going to work against Xaith, as it's his strength that computers can hide nothing from him. On the flip side, his apathy regarding bureaucracy means he's not going to care how she came on-board once she's actually there. [quote=@Sep] [@Peaceless] the only person realistically who could probably get a full account, if anyone, would be Locke . Though I'll leave this up to you however that's only if you want him to as I doubt these files are available on the [i]Vitae[/i], as I was leaving it upto [@LegionPothIX] (Though I haven't asked him yet) if Locke has actually seen Xaiths full record. [/quote] I was thinking that they would be (Xaith's files), and would have adaptive decryption, meaning it's all there, and you only have access to what you need to know at any given time. If you need to know something, you tell the computer (not NO4H) why you need to know it (colab with me) and we'll get you the info. As for the Daedalus project specifically, it sounds like it could have been something in direct competition with Live Wire, one of Xaith's military projects that was scrapped (the point of which was to addapt the EEGARD to allow technicians to control robot soldiers, rather than just reference databases, but found the robot soldiers were were too easily hack-able resulting in the project being canned). With Xaith's security clearance, it may be something he was aware of, but not personally involved in. If [@Peaceless] wants to go the engineering route, instead of security, I could easily see this being the reason why she would have been recruited into his team (as this plays to one of his ambitions).