[quote=@LegionPothIX]Iron reads like a security, or anti-boarding combat specialist, and not a technician/engineer. Specifically, being in engineering doesn't make the best use of the character's talents, and skills, nor does it forward her goals and aspirations. She may hear that the Chief Engineer is a bit tech obsessed himself, and is the go-to guy for wacky off the wall applications of tech, but being an engineer just doesn't sound like the cloth she's cut from.[/quote] From how I read it, this is a cover. [quote=@LegionPothIX] I should mention this is never going to work against Xaith, as it's his strength that computers can hide nothing from him. On the flip side, his apathy regarding bureaucracy means he's not going to care how she came on-board once she's actually there.[/quote] Me and [@Peaceless] discussed this and the hacking and what not was done on the Earth Side rather than on the Ark, which is why NOAH has no knowledge of it. Now she's onboard she has to worry about Xaith and NOAH finding out. [quote=@LegionPothIX] [@Sep] I'm actually going to create a sheet for Lt. Rorq at some point so everyone can get a look at she works, and then anyone can still use her with a better understanding as to how she thinks and behaves. [/quote] You may as well wait till I've got the Wikia ready and then you can throw it on there.