I cannot budge on the corps fighting each other. That is a point of the setting that they settle their problems in sanctioned fights. In theory they could try and hit each other in secret like in Shadowrun, but then you'd be operating as more of a hired criminal or terrorist than an official military man and every company around would deny having anything to do with you and they certainly wouldn't send you to the tournament so they can keep a plausible deniability. You could still enter on your own though. You could have fought these shadow forces of another corp, but it would be hard to prove to what corp they belonged to if any. I can't say I've thought out armor that well, and let's be frank if I did then we wouldn't be running a mech campaign because the more real science we apply the less useful they become. Let's face it mechs are't actually practical. I am just running under the assumption that at its worst, this universe's armor is lighter and stronger than the most heavily armored of modern tanks. You didn't need to touch the height, but okay. I'm going to keep Krupps age more vague than 400 years, because I don't want to be tied to a particular time period and add the s to monthas, but the description is otherwise good to go as soon as we are in agreement on the corps fighting each other issue.