[quote=@agentmanatee] weeeeeeeeeell Lugft isn't rational or forgiving... but honestly a fight might not happen at all, I don't know if we need more than a mexican standoff that just sorta ends honestly, especially if we don't need/want anyone to get injured. Lugft came unprepared for a fight with few guards so would probably bluster and threaten before brutally Murdering Talli within earshot/sight of Aery and blaming it on her before angrily leaving to get new brides (See:Nadia/Amalia and such) [/quote] True, I suppose xD Zak, at least, wouldn't be trying to kill anyone important. And yeah, that would make more sense than Lugft trying to rambo in with a handful of men (Which I think would probably end with tragic consequences for the poor Red Shirts in the equation xD). It'd be better for the drama anyway... and probably makes more sense overall. As brutish as the Drakken are, I find it difficult to believe that two lords could get away with having a full blpwn skirmish in the middle of the Wroth without any consequences (which I think I would be correct in guessing was crown land, given that all the major Drakken seem to live well away from it?)