[h1] [center] [color=C0C0C0] [b]Q U I C K S I L V E R[/b] [/color] [/center] [/h1][hr] Racing through the labyrinthian coliseum at just over one hundred miles per hour, Pietro dashed between crumbled statues of strange, alien beings and narrow pathways overgrown with rotting vines. Due to his abilities, despite traveling at such a speed, Pietro's mind was capable of enhanced perception, able to see his surroundings at a rate proportionate to that of a leisurely light jog. As such, he thoroughly scanned the ground ahead, and the walls around him. From his extensive time in Mojo's death races, Pietro was wary of any traps ready to be triggered and claim his life at any moment, but the more he ran without spotting any the more confident he grew that this forced match between slaves was meant to be conducted in its simplest form, without external dangers, and through sheer murderous brutality. The arena, a near-perfect cube with curved walls, stretched for a roughly a mile in every direction. Even with the maze-like structure, it took Pietro just under forty seconds to travel from the pillar he began at to the next pillar on his right - the span of the entire length of the building. He was planning to do a wide arc around the pillar to search for whomever had been deployed there, but soon found this unnecessary as a very small explosion sounded out from several paths ahead of him. Zipping through the tight walkways, Pietro rounded a corner and spotted his target. Standing just behind a chunk of demolished pillar, a dust cloud scattered about, stood an odd individual. Short and not all too physically imposing, the figure was clad in some kind of full-body black and blue armor carapace that reminded Pietro of a bug. It was difficult to glean all that much information as the slender, armored form offered few clues as to their identity or skills. Their back was turned to Pietro, however, and he was sure he could reach them before they ever noticed his presence. [color=C0C0C0][i]Sorry. Have to do this. Have to get out.[/i][/color] Pietro would forgive himself later for what he was about to do, but there was no other choice, no other way out. It was him, or them. It was the safety of the one he had left behind, or the life of a stranger. There was only one path for Pietro to take. Just then the armored figure reacted, somehow alerted to Pietro's presence, and rather quickly considering how fast Pietro was rushing towards them, they took to the air as insect-like wings materialized. Simultaneously, a burst of blue energy bolts fired from the end of their arms and struck around and at Pietro. Despite his increased speed and reflexes, he had been too close at the time they were fired to dodge with any success. Several of the concussive blasts hit Pietro dead on, and he skidded to a stop. And although they had carried a degree of force behind them, the attack had barely fazed Pietro; the light grey-blue aura that protected him from the strains of high-speed movements also shielding him from the impact. Before being captured, Pietro had been unfamiliar with the use of his powers, and while in captivity, although he had been forced to observe as other powered slaves killed one another, he had never in his life faced another being with enhanced abilities. And so he stood below the flying figure, curiously observing as they spoke aloud to, seemingly, themself. The figure, as best Pietro could tell given all of their features were hidden behind armor, seemed to be unsure and hesitant about fighting. Either out of fear, or due to the naive belief that no one had to die, Pietro didn't care. He couldn't allow himself to care; not anymore. Pumping his legs again, Pietro zipped off, running back down the passageway he had come through. He wasn't sure how, but it was clear his first opponent had been able to see him coming despite his speed, and had been quick enough to react accordingly. Running through the narrow passages, the young silver-haired man circled around in a wide arc, picking up speed. The surroundings weren't optimal for him to reach even close to his peak limits - too tight and enclosed - but by looping around Pietro afforded himself the time and space necessary to increase his pace to higher levels. At a mere 120 MPH before, the armored being had only barely noticed and reacted to his presence in enough time to avoid him. This time he wouldn't give them that chance. Only a scant minute after he had left, Pietro once more ran down the same path leading towards his target, able to still see the blue bug-like being floating in the air. Rushing forward at more than double the speed as before, Pietro enclosed on them. Placing his right foot on top of the rubble from earlier, he pushed off, catching the wall with his left and angling himself perfectly as he jumped towards the flying figure. Right arm outstretched to connect surely with their armored face, the force of Pietro's blow to be greatly enhanced due to both momentum and the barely-visible, incredibly durable aura that enveloped his entire being.