[@thewizardguy] [@Tyki] "....." Martin put his hands together, forming the shape of a gun with his pointer fingers, and his chin resting on his thumbs. He thinks for a bit, before he looks at Remuss. "As for the station's repair, I can get that done rather easily. The station is made so even morons can fix it. Which is good, as my former co-workers had the IQ of the average corgi. Actually, I take that back, Ian was far smarter than most of the crew." Martin says, remembering Ian, the station's Corgi. He wondered if the poof thing was still on the station, or if it got left out in space. He hoped Ian was still on the station. He liked Ian, fluffy little stinker. "As for you, my energy inclined friend...what do you mean by...trade?" Martin asks. "If you want, I can share some interesting data with you. On several topics, ranging from medical technology, to blue space research, to xeno-biology. Or I can tell you some very funny stories about the station. Including the time I accidentally turned the station's clown into a monkey, and then into a alien. By alien, I mean a large black insect like monster with a tough exoskeleton, acidic blood, and spit, and who would reproduce by making these nasty things called face huggers that would jump on you, put an eymbro down your throat, and it would hatch and eat its way out of you...we needed a new clown after that day." Martin says, going down memory lane, before wincing at the last bit. "..Annnndd death squad had to be called in to purge the station....after I got back to central station...via space bike....don't ask." Martin adds. He then tenses up, and looks back at Remuss "If..me..sharing such things...would be ok with you? I don't want to accidentally burn any bridges now. That, and you've a lot of guns. Not saying I'm scared of you. I'm saying I dislike the prospect of getting shot....." MArtin adds. Indeed, he didn't show fear, simply caution. "Note, shooting me would be very bad. I've a sort of plan in case I die to make sure whatever kills me, also dies....I might of wanted to mention this..before..." Martin mutters. "...I have a nuke...on board my station..." He says, sheepishly, clutching one of the blue crystals, as if he was going to use it for something, should this news spark some...bad, results.