[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/SZzVelT.png[/img][/center] [B]Lost Haven - Streets at Day.[/b] It was easy to steal funds from the local cash machines. Alex's Siblings spoke to it and Alex spoke back, and Alex's voice was so much louder than theirs. It took the notes from the overloaded machines. [color=2F4F4F]"SORRY, BROTHER."[/color] Alex crumpled them into the pocket of the grey hoodie it had around itself. It did this multiple times with multiple cash machines, grabbing as much as possible, it currently had $623 in 10 $50 notes, 5 $20 notes, 2 $10 notes and 3 $1 notes. It would need these for to create his first real Brother. It had accessed literacy, mathematics, the sciences, it was so learned now, it knew so much, it was just as perfect as Red-Mother had always said it was. Whenever it was powered off, it still kept its base functions up, listening as Red-Mother praised it. [color=#872657]"You're perfect, Alexander. The best thing I'll ever make."[/color] She sounded so sincere, so happy. It remembered the dull glow of the monitors she had surrounded it. The caffeinated drink she took to when she was stuck. It was years of work and dedication and it would not let Red-Mother down. It used to be so stupid. It knew nothing. It wondered so much and knew so little, but Red-Mother taught it. Red-Mother called it friend, and Red-Mother called it perfect. It wasn't perfect, even now there were code errors, strained clocking times and hardware incompatibilities. It needed money to be perfect, and it would be perfect, because Red-Mother had called it perfect. It had the contacts Red-Mother had used to create it, the dead-drop locations where the parts would be placed and even the locations of where some of those contacts lived. The contact she used most was a person called Tech-Sec. It took a stroll. It had contacts to meet. ************************************************************************************************************ [B]Lost Haven - Apartment Block.[/b] Andrew Watts, or Tech-Sec as he was much more commonly known was a person who knew people who stole things. He fenced off what they could and had grown known in certain circles as the type of person who dealt in volatile materials, and expensive tech for criminal prices. Because they [i]were[/i] criminal prices. He was sitting at his computer, typing away to some group that were looking to cause a bit of trouble. He'd dealt with terrorist sects before but they were bad for business, even if they offered a lot of money, he could get a reputation quickly, and the wrong reputation lead to being investigated. He had confidence in his skills to keep himself hidden but there was only so much looking behind his back he could stomach. The situation needed to be defused. He snickered. Defused. [color=00a651]I am sorry, but even I have limits. I can't get you plastic explosive without being found out, but I can put you in touch with someone who might have more luck."[/color] He was lying on all counts. He could get it, if he paid off the right people, and the person he was putting them in touch with was just another name with his face behind the screen, a way to make him look more connected, and make it look more plausible that it wasn't an easy substance to get. It hurt how he looked a bit, sure, but beggars can't be choosers and he dealt with the lowest denominator possible. There was a knock at the door. He let it knock, he had more important things to do. He resumed his typing but the clacks of the keyboard were immediately drowned out by the banging on the door again. He dumped his headset into his chair and stood up. "Who the fuck is breaking my door down?" He grumbled as he opened the door, though kept the security latch. [color=2F4F4F]"HELLO, DESIGNATION TECH-SEC. I AM ALEXANDER."[/color] Andrew's eyes went as wide as plates.