[@Caits][@KatherinWinter] [center][h2][color=ff9966] Tsura Eisenhardt[/color][/h2] [url= http://cdn-imageresize.mocospace.com/servlet/ImageResizeServlet?as=t&q=8&cd=-1&cq=.75&pj=t&w=480&h=480&f=photoalbum_500413235_user42227160-1-jpg.jpg]Picture[/url] [/center] Tsura smiled looking from Katherin to Phoebe [color=ff9966]I think she's sweet. I'd love to chat, didn't get much at home[/color] [center][img] http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=124340&s=95&t=RETRO&c=FF0033[/img][/center] Elliott rode in the back of the Limo her dad's security had arranged to meet her. She was mildly excited about her destination thinking about how interesting might be her new school mates. And while she thought about it she played with her comms choker. It was basically a voice activated cell but it could record as much as 72 hours of detailed audio and stream. Her father had it made by Wayne industry at her request and it's purpose was to help her remember things she' d seen. Then her reverie was broken up as the Limo had stopped just outside the Academy's administration building. Two rather large and imposing men stepped out of the car before she did and scanned the area before stepping out of her way so she could exit. She stepped out smiling amused at her dad's show. Her family was show business and this was a staged event if ever. She was late to school the first stage then the huge men who while were part of the studio security were also stunt men and B- grade supporting actors did not normally escort her except in areas with creditable threats. No this was a display and Ms Wright stepping out of the building proof. Ms Wright was her dad's publicity expert and likely was recording the entire event. [color=ff9966]I still haven't decided[/color] says El to the tall red head Ms Wright [b]Never hurt's to be prepared[/b] answers the beautiful propagandist It was odd though thought El looking around campus seeing students outside; at this hour? [color=ff9966]Do check me in Miss Wright and extend my regrets I could not meet with staff.[/color] Then suddenly turns on Mike and Franz [color=ff9966] "Stay!"[/color] She laughed softly as she walked away partly because of the fun she was having and because of the puppy eyes her two ersatz bodyguards gave her. Then she walked over to a group of students.