Lucy (Hence forth known as Archangel) sat, the caffeine from her last cup of coffee still in her system. She didn't like to admit it, but she was already missing the luxury from surviving the Eagle Claw training camp. She wasn't raised softly back at the Vault, but what she went through was worse than when she got her arm blown off. But she could only blame herself for over-indulging. Regardless, once she stepped onto the Vertibird she made peace with the fact that she's going to live another few years eking out an existence in the wasteland. But she was no stranger to suffering, but that didn't mean she was a friend of it either. As her jitters died down, she looked around at the others. She knew their names and their codenames, and some rumors circling around them. She wasn't really one to judge someone on rumors alone, but they did provide her some sort of reference to them. The first person her eyes went over was Tristan McBay, codename Ginger. She didn't have to do much research on why he was called that; the guy had orange-red hair. Not that most people would be able to tell once he puts on his Power Armor. She read up on some of it's specs, supposedly it's suppose to improve stealth functions, but she didn't really think it'll do much when you're a lumbering tank. She was more interested in his Gauss Rifle; she only heard of a very few in the hands of specialists in the Enclave, but she's seen Ginger use it. It was unlike anything Archangel has ever had the pleasure of using, it's high-velocity round capable of knocking a deathclaw into the skies. Supposedly at least, she's never seen Ginger use it for that exact purpose, but she wouldn't be surprised if it happened. The next person she glanced over was Andrew Ryan Harper, otherwise known as Deathstroke. A bit of a mouthful for a codename, but she didn't pick them. Born in the Enclave, but doesn't use energy weapons. The Archangel simply assumed this was a preference of his. Not much else to say about him, though notably, he did wear a mask that Archangel has once read about; the Plague Doctor Mask, known for it's long beak. It was said to have been wore a long time ago during a plague, to protect doctors from the disease. The details of how it accomplished that was fuzzy for Archangel at the moment, but she was fairly certain that she was the only one who knew about it. Not that it would serve much use, unless she just wants to be insufferable. The next person was Icarus Rose, also known as the Phoenix. He was the team's designated medic, and given his equipment, there wasn't much else he could do. He could always provide artillery support with his grenade launcher, or provide intimidation with his sword. She had to admit, it was quite ingenious; using a parts of a motorcycle as the hilt, a lawnmower as the blade, and a pilot light as spark source, he had a flaming sword. She wasn't sure how affective it would be or if the flames were just aesthetic, but at least they had a source of flame in the event they would need it. And where they was heading, she imagined that they would need it a lot. The next person was Aria Hunter, Wraith. The team's pilot. A terrible shot, but pretty good with her blade. Archangel had hoped that she (Along with the vertibird) would stay around a bit longer, but she knew this would not happen. Even if Wraith had to pilot it alone, the Archangel knew the Vertibird was outfitted with many powerful weapons, and they could always use an eye in the sky. But it was just a fantasy. Next was Alexander Callahan, codename, Bear. Lots of rumors from him, all of them about his prowess in battle. She didn't know how much of it was gossip and how much came form boasting, as she didn't bother to listen to any of it. As far as she could tell, he was certainly large, and his weapons suggested that he was best suited for dealing with either one large opponent, or many smaller ones. A Gatling Laser was good for either. The only thing she worried about was if this Bear wanted to get into nothing but fights. No doubt that he'll excel, but Archangel would like to save ammo. The next person could compete with Bear for sheer mass. Ozymandius, codename Golem. She suspects that "Ozymandius" isn't his real name, but given the nature of the world they lived in, did it matter? Unlike Bear, Golem was more suited for melee combat; he wielded a wicked Proton Axe and a shield that may as well as been a vault door with plasma casters attached to it. Unfortunately, his only range weapon was a sawn-off shotgun, which itself wasn't exactly something given to a marksmen. However, unlike some others, Archangel did read more into Ozymandius; he was a tinkerer, and has visited a place called the "Big Empty" a sanctuary of science. This interested her greatly as a woman of scientific interests and because she wondered what the two could accomplish if they fused their abilities together. That, and she wouldn't mind having a hulk of a man like him in the midst of a fire fight; Archangel wasn't exactly built to take a mini nuke to the face. The next person was Harrison Churchill, who's codename was Winter. He was one of the team's sneaky types, wearing a stealth suit and using weapons fit for silent op missions. But even in an open firefight he had a carbine, so she wasn't worried about that. She was more interested in his chocolate addiction. She was concerned that it might be used to distract him or otherwise ruin the whole team, but that was mostly just an over active imagination. And it's not like Archangel was without her own weaknesses. Still, she doubt there was any chocolate in the area... And she hoped that she was right. The last member she looked over was a bit of a mystery. Melanie Briess, code name Whisper. Archangel knew not to judge my appearances, but Whisper looked like a raider. Archangel was at least familiar with her look, so she wouldn't accidentally shoot her if they confront some bandit punks. Most of the talk about Melania painted her as a crazy one, but just about everyone here would fall under that category. Archangel looked at Whisper a bit longer than the others, fondling some eyeballs she swiped from an Enclave laboratory. They belonged to a deathclaw, and they were black and beady, but also sort of big, like tangerines. Archangel herself took the time to examine herself mentally. Despite the grueling trials she faced during the Eagle Claw training, she was largely unchanged from before. Perhaps a bit stronger given what she went through, but any increase in power went unnoticed to her. She did a quick equipment check, making sure her Disintegratior had a fully charged battery, her Compliance Regulator was properly calibrated, and that her right hand was still operational. She flexed the fingers, made sure it was on tight, and loaded a fragmentation 25mm round in it. She was going to need it, and soon. Last thing she checked was her Pipboy; she noticed that she was the only vault dweller among the group, or at least the only one with a pipboy. She had her glasses hooked up to her VATS and made sure her radio communicator was properly synch, as well as other neat abilities granted by the machine, including a handy map of the area. She had a full map, compass and all, but it had no landmarks since it was largely uncharted territory. Archangel's attention was shifted away from her pipboy when she heard some plinks off the vertibird. [b]"Sounds like we're being shot at."[/b] She dully stated. Wraith gave the crew a brief summary of their mission and one last word of good luck, before opening the doors to allow the crew to get out. As much as Archangel would like to take in the scenery, now was not the time. She had already synched her Pipboy (And extension her glasses) with everyone else biological signal, and marked all supermutant bio signal as hostile. And before she even got out of the seat her sensors went crazy with red, and she detected at least twenty ticks, so twenty super mutants, but likely much more. Clearing the Vertibird Archangel took a brief moment to face the enemy. Though the super mutants were certainly enemies to be feared, they weren't what you'd call well-armed. Most had rudimentary hunting rifles that could barely fit in their hands, though some had fully automatic rifles. She didn't see any with larger weapons like rocket launchers or Gatling guns, though she imagined if there was any around they'd already been fired upon. She saw Deathstroke head for some rocks and lay down sniper fire, killing one mutant. Archangel aimed her gauntlet at two super mutants standing together, firing her explosive round at them. It armed through the air with a slight whistle before smashing into the kneecap of one super mutant. He didn't even get a chance to roar in pain when it exploded, blowing off both their legs and killing them. Archangel didn't have time to savor the moment however, as various bullets were coming much to close to her general direction than she'd like. Quickly loading her gauntlet with another round, the vault dweller went to cover behind a knocked over column, taking out the Disintegratior to cover the team's rear. When she spotted one mutant round the corner she squeezed the trigger, sending at least nine-beams of lasers simultaneously at the mutant. Though three of the beams missed their mark, six landed. One hit the mutant's hand, burning through it and into his rifle. Four went into his chest, giving him some sever burns that even his crude armor couldn't protect him from. The last laser hit his face, which was all that was needed to turn the mutant into a heap of ash. [b]"Three down, but we're not out of the fire yet..."[/b] Archangel whispered as she scanned for more hostiles.