[b]Kuro[/b] Kuro watched as everyone tried to trap the heartless, he looked over to Kaito, digusted at what he suggested, but it seemed it was good enough for everyone but him. No, he would not accept it! A heartless student? Never! "No, not possible, I won't believe it, never. Heartless are monsters, and nothing but monsters. They all need to be destroyed, for all they can do, all they can think about is what to kill and destroy next. This monster can't be a student, it can't be trusted. When Arken arrives, he will kill this monster personally, I'm sure." Just then, Kuro was grabbed as was Yoruichi and dragged off. Immediately, a purple aura appeared around Sasha's arms and she would be forced to let her and Kuro go. As Yoruichi began to fall, a purple aura covered her completely which made her levitate. She looked over to Sasha with a polite nod of her head. "I'm sorry, but please do not grab me like that. I don't really liked being grabbed, besides, we cannot leave, not until this monster is dealt with, not until Arken arrives." Kuro nodded then gave a bow to Sasha, after that he ran back to the others. [b]Shade and Arken[/b] Suddenly, a lightning cage appeared around Shade, he screamed loudly, and was about to make an attempt to get out, when suddenly a light cage appeared around that one, then an acid cage, then a leaf cage, and then another diamond cage. He looked around before screaming loudly. His body melted into a puddle and he attempted to escape, but as he got to the light cage, the puddle immediately retreated. He looked around once more and screamed once more. Then, a man appeared in front of the cage. He stared at Shade, not doing anything just yet as Shade stared back at him whilst in the cage. He looked to Kuro for a moment before looking back to Shade. "Shade, it's time to stop letting the monster take over you, and regain control. Come on Shade, try, show everyone you can control this this monster." Shade screamed loudly as the man stood there, watching. Then, Shade looked to each student, Kai, Rose, Kaito, none of them held any aggression anymore. None of them were trying to kill him anymore, then he looked to Kuro and Yoruichi. There, he sensed a powerful hatred between them. He screamed at them loudly, before looking at the man. He clicked his fingers, and suddenly all the cages disappeared. Arken bent down to Shade, resting on one knee. He gently placed his hand on his head, as he did the bone skull formed on Shade once more. He then spoke softly. "Come on Shade, I made you a student for a reason, show everyone why." Shade's eyes twitched softly as they stared at Arken, then he let out a soft sigh, closing his eyes as darkness seeped out of him, forming a large black puddle. Arken stood up and stood back slowly. He pointed a palm at the darkness Shade was releasing, and as he did, the darkness began to disappear. After a few minutes of releasing darkness, Shade opened his eyes again. He looked around once more slowly, until his gaze stopped on Kuro, he then stood up and gave a little bow to Arken. "Thank you Arken, and to everyone, I apologise. I can normally control myself, but with all the hatred, all the anger, it just got to me." Arken turned around and rose his hand slowly, in which Shela and Rika rose from the ground. He walked over and snapped his fingers. Suddenly a bandage appeared in his hand and the leaf domes disappeared. He wrapped the bandage around Rika's right eye. Then, he looked to Zephroth and Argentina and snapped his fingers, suddenly all her bloodlust would dissappear as if she had just feasted, and so would the cage. He'd levitate Zephroth to the ground gently as it did. Finally, he looked over to Sekhemi and snapped his fingers once more. With that, Sekhemi's heart began beating again which would break him from Alex's control. Sekhemi looked around confused, his hands forming into fists, as he turned towards Alex but before he could say anything, Arken stood up and went to the middle of the field where he could address everyone. "Everyone, may I have your attention please! I have something to say to all of you. Sekhemi, I do not appreciate such foul language. That is not why I accepted you to this school. You have a lot of potential, but you are wasting it. Kuro, good job fighting Shade, you did well, but remember, he isn't a monster. He is a student here at the Academy. Shade is different, It doesn't matter how long it takes you to accept that, but one day, you'll have to, otherwise your hatred for him will only make him worse, and may even drive Shade away. Miarikia, great job at suppressing Rika, but next time, place a bandage over his right eye to suppress the demon. I am glad you came down to help, well done. Red, well done for knowing your weakness, now you just need to overcome it and with time, that will surely come, I can promise you that. Pozuzy, it is unlike you to stop your games and tricks in a situation like this, I'm glad you became serious for once. Now if only you could do it all the time. It is all fun and games until somebody gets hurt, after all. Sasha, it is good of you to try and get your students into safety, but remember, each one has they strengths, each one has their weakness. Remember to think about these before acting. Kuro would be better on the field than he would do in safety, away from the fight. Wolf, Foxy, Kai I am glad you three also decided to help out. It is nice to see some teamwork. It shall come in handy sooner than you think. Kaito, you were the first to suggest Shade may be a student, and that shows intelligence. Well done, and thank you for containing him. Zephroth, well done in containing Argentina, it is great that she has you. Fuchs, remember not everyone gives great first impressions, sometimes it is out of your hands but remember, those who struggle to make the best first impressions, are sometimes the best of all. Alex, it was wrong of you to take control of Sekhemi and it was wrong of you to attack him like that, even if he was in the wrong too, however you have great control of your power which is good to see but remember, you are not invincible. Rose, thank you for protecting Shela, it is most kind of you to do so. From now on, would you look after her for me please? Sabrina, fantastic team work with Pozuzy, well done. Shade, remember, not everyone will trust you at first, being what you are but don't let that put you down, instead, it should make you even more determined to prove to everyone you are different from the rest of your kind. Finally, Shela, you must remember you are apart of this school. I invited you for a reason, it may not show now, but one day soon, it will but first, you need to believe in yourself, and it won't do her any good, Drake with you constantly putting her down. Now, let us all go to the academy." He clicked his fingers, and suddenly, a blue set of stairs appeared, going directly to the island. He gave a small nod, before walking up the stairs, leading everyone to the island. He stopped for a moment and turned his head around. "Argentina, can you please carry Rika for me? You have the power to calm him down if he starts to become stressed or lose control, so he can stay with you for now." With that he continued to walk up the stairs, expecting for everyone else to follow.