Sitting on the cold concrete in a dark alley, it was easy to forget about the reality that was his life. It was so easy when he was next to the raven-haired girl to forget that he was battle trained to kill her and everyone in her coven. To be the warrior that killed without question. However, Ciara’s head resting on a nasty bruise on his shoulder reminded him of who he was supposed to be, and what his coven would train out of him with time. The best thing he could do for her and for himself would be to stand up and walk away without looking back, but the new found tattoo on his arm was not going to allow him to do that. Adam lifted his head from her hair as she shifted in his arms. A hiss of pain escaped his lips at the loss of her weight against his bruised side. Slowly he looked down at his black and blue skin she revealed when she lifted up his shirt. [color=gray]“If you wanted me naked, all you needed to do was ask.”[/color] He commented weakly as he put his head back against the brick. [color=gray]“Though if you are going to strip me of my clothes, you better be willing to let me do the same to you.”[/color] He added with a smirk before pulling his shirt from her hands and pulling it back down. Adam opened his eyes and glanced wearily at her as she grabbed his arm and traced the raises mark on his skin. The feeling of her light fingertips brushing his skin sent shivers up his arm and down his back. It was all he could do not to yank his arm away from her grasp for creating such a reaction. [color=gray]“It shouldn’t hurt you, love.”[/color] He replied after a moment. [color=gray]“If I wasn’t being treated this way, it would mean that you are dead.”[/color] Slowly he pulled away from her soft touch and the shivers she was still creating. He pushed himself to his feet slowly, willing his body to ignore the pain of the movement. [color=gray]“Do yourself a favor, and stop feeling sorry for me. It will be the death of you.”[/color] He turned and started for the mouth of the alleyway. After a few steps he stopped. He needed to stop caring about her feeling. He needed to push through his training and earn the trust of his coven back. If he brought them Ciara’s head, it would all stop, he would once again be revered and trusted. His arm gave of a wave of warning pain as he thought about how easily he could sever her head from her neck. She trusted him enough to let him close. It would only take a few seconds and then it would be over. The feelings, this weakness, this training. Once again his arm flared with pain. Would his mark kill him for trying to kill her? He looked back at her still sitting behind him and knew beyond any doubt that he wouldn’t be able to do it even if he truly tried. She had somehow found a way to make him care about killing her. [color=gray]“There is only one thing we can do, Ciara.”[/color] He started finally as he turned to face away from her again. [color=gray]“We have to meet at least every couple of days. If only to shake hands. I will see you in three days, same time and place.”[/color] He turned once more to look at her with cold and calculating eyes. [color=gray]“Just do not make this into some fairytale where you think a dark night is going to come in and save you. This is only to ensure I live.”[/color] With that and continued he walk back towards his coven.