[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0Ljk5N2FiZC5RbWxoYm1OaElFekRyWFpwWVNCSVpXeHRjMnhsZVEsLC4w/meddon.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LmFkNDg5OS5VMjltYVdFZ1RXbHlaV3hzWVNCSVpXeHRjMnhsZVEsLC4x/soli-deo-gloria.regular.png[/img] [img]http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b380/Deadupdog/Deadupdog066/Helmsley1_zpsoutnzxux.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/72dPLFR.gif[/img] [b]| [color=#441544]L[/color][color=#531953]o[/color][color=#621e62]c[/color][color=#712371]a[/color][color=#802780]t[/color][color=#8f2c8f]i[/color][color=#9e309e]o[/color][color=#bc3abc]n[/color] |[/b] Helmsley Castle [b]| [color=#86608e]I[/color][color=#7b5882]n[/color][color=#705077]t[/color][color=#65486b]e[/color][color=#5a405f]r[/color][color=#4f3853]a[/color][color=#443148]c[/color][color=#39293c]t[/color][color=#39293c]i[/color][color=#443148]o[/color][color=#4f3853]n[/color] [color=#5a405f]W[/color][color=#65486b]i[/color][color=#705077]t[/color][color=#7b5882]h[/color] |[/b] Her babies [sup][@smarty0114][/sup] and patiently waiting for daddy's return! [sup][@Universorum][/sup] [b]| [color=#873260]T[/color][color=#792d56]i[/color][color=#6a274c]m[/color][color=#5c2241]e[/color] |[/b] Too early for this shit [b][url=http://www.customcelebritydresses.com/image/cache/data/02014-03-12/Adriana%20Lima%20Fuchsia%20Deep%20V-neck%20Prom%20Dress%20Victorias%20Secret%208th%20Annual%20What%20Is%20Sexy%203-600x600.jpg][color=#86608e]Outfit[/color][/url] | [url=http://thezoereport.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Coachella-Street-Style-2016-Taylor-Hill-600x600.jpg][color=#873260]Outfit[/color][/url][/b] [img]http://www.thegameofearth.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/purple-swirl.png[/img][/center] [indent][color=gray]Some pictures of the house -[/color] [indent][color=gray]Aerial Shot of Estate: [url=http://fredsplayland.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Heaest-Castle.jpg]1[/url], [url=https://c1.staticflickr.com/7/6057/6265508267_a1f01f0dd0_b.jpg]2[/url] | Front entrance of Main House: [url=http://www.travelcaffeine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/hearst-castle-california-013.jpg]1[/url], [url= https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/34/Hearst_Castle_Casa_del_Sol_September_2012.jpg]2[/url] | Back of Main House: [url=http://www.trbimg.com/img-57bb281c/turbine/la-1471883368-snap-photo/650/650x366]1[/url], [url=http://www.travelcaffeine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/hearst-castle-california-006.jpg]2[/url], [url=http://images.wisegeek.com/hearst-castle-against-blue-sky.jpg]3[/url] | Outside the master bedroom: [url= http://2nbtoy3u3qzf34dru617v1vs.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/hearst-castle-sunset.jpg]1[/url]; Inside the Master Bedroom: [url=http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/3f98eabc-0577-4188-b7d3-7955d0aab3fb/5f298f40-f8fe-4b35-927f-2c01dc2617b4.jpg]1[/url]; Bathroom: [url=http://vdizayne.ru/uploads/posts/2015-11/1447161474_vannaya-1-30.jpg]1[/url]; Bianca's closet: [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/f2/8e/70/f28e70e97b3b698cea14bb70dccc742d.jpg]1[/url], [url=http://housely.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/and-two-large-walk-in-closets-this-ones-for-the-lady-of-the-household-800x566.jpg]2[/url], [url=https://www.illinois-criminaldefense.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/breathtaking-huge-walk-in-closet-to-decorate-your-home-decor.jpg]3[/url] | Sofia's Bedroom [url=http://www.rukle.com/5/g/b/bedroom-bedroom-king-luxury-bedroom-master-bedroom-decorating-ideas-small-room-modern-interior-design-home-decor-top-designers-luxury-bed-rooms-little-expensive-furniture-stylish-ideas-for-your-luxury_1186x618.jpg]1[/url]; Closet: [url=http://www.architectureartdesigns.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/15-Elegant-Luxury-Walk-In-Closet-Ideas-To-Store-Your-Clothes-In-That-Look-Like-Boutiques-5-630x603.jpg]1[/url]; Bathroom: [url=http://luxurybathrooms.eu/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/bathroom-idea-with-double-vanity.jpg]1[/url] | Indoor pool: [url=http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3397/3308002379_7ae85c00be_o.jpg]1[/url] | Outdoor pool: [url=http://guardianlv.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/hearstcastle.jpg]1[/url], [url=http://www.placestoseeinyourlifetime.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Allen-Freeman.jpg]2[/url] | Bianca's Guest House for Social gaterings: [url=https://www.thebillionaireshop.com/media/CLOSE-IN-MEMORIAL-ESTATE-1024x465.jpg]1[/url][/color][/indent][/indent] [indent]Designed by one of the most influential and critically acclaimed Spanish architects of the time, [url=http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/6686588/550full-mario-casas.jpg]Vicente Castellana[/url] (a man whose main projects are sought out by one family only), the Helmsley Castle of Iverson (Part of Vicente's royal collection: El Reino Encantado [sup]The Enchanted Kingdom[/sup]) has always been known for its considerable collection of art and antiques. Their Castle, along with their other homes around the world (ie. [url=http://images.china.cn/attachement/jpg/site1007/20111021/001372acd5e9100b52070c.jpg]castle[/url] in the Alpine region of Switzerland, [url=https://www.thebillionaireshop.com/media/8castle_france_fr1-1024x640.jpg]castle[/url] on Le Mont-Saint-Michael, in Normandy, France, [url=https://giulio1954.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/mg_3322.jpg]castle[/url] a forty minute drive away from the Iguazu Falls in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil) is open to the world once in a blue moon. The man of the Helmsley fortune keeps their Open House days unknown until the day of, adding to the mystery of their humble abode but also keeping it exclusive and a rarity to the public eye. Invitations to enter any of the Helmsley Castles are highly coveted. Among their guests, more often than not celebrities whose very presence would make most individuals faint (because they were beautiful, powerful, and filthy rich) came to their home once a month for a formal dinner and the first screening of a Oscar-winning potential movie in their estate's unreasonably large theater. Commercial filming requests are usually always turned down and if you're a lucky visitor, the family only allows pictures to be taken in certain areas like the outdoor and indoor pools, the gardens, and the front and back entrance. One of the first stories to travel around the estate during Open House was the sighting of the Helmsley twins, ever since they were ten years of age, hiding behind statues in the Tiamat Pool while tours passed by. The castle itself was included as one of America's "10 Breathtaking Castles" by Forbes Travel. Through great lengths (and fortune), Christopher Helmsley aimed to bring back the best of European architecture and most definitely succeeded. Everyday, at 5 am, Christopher rose out of bed. He never failed to start his day exactly at that time. Today, he blasted [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASj81daun5Q]Protectors of the Earth[/url] throughout the entire estate (EVERYWHERE) as he went about his business. His darling wife, completely nude, with only silk sheet to cover her skin slept like a lamb until [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYZBULGd7CU]Vivir mi Vida[/url] went off loudly and proudly, replacing her husband's tunes and marking her rise and shine time: 5:30 am. Like clock work, her maid, Adelaide, would start her bath, having kopi iuwak coffee by her bed side and a granola berry breakfast parfait. Her assistant and gay best friend, Elias, would have three outfits hanging up for her waiting for her to try on, already knowing what shades, tones, and types of outfits she would be in the mood for. She didn't even have to tell him. He just knew, having plenty of time to study her moods, patterns, and trends. Meanwhile, her agent, Julian, was most definitely in his appointed office making sure she was all set for her day or doing errands for her husband. He'd appear eventually. After sitting up, letting the sheet gently drop revealing her perky chest, she grabbed her porcelain cup and took a long, glorious sip of her coffee. Placing the expensive china down, she grabbed her iPhone 5 Black Diamond and texted her husband: [quote][b]To: [color=7d1c7f]Meu Docinho[/color] [color=#86608e]Forever and always. Eu amo você mais que tudo.[/color] [/b] [/quote] While Bianca enjoyed her morning snack prior to putting on her exercise attire, Sofia laid in her princess-esque bed, with her black eye mask, ear plugs, and ear muffs for extra measure. She [i]hated[/i] mornings and it didn't help that both her parents were fucking morning people. Why couldn't she just sleep in for once? As always, she tried to get away with as much sleep as she could before... A large bucket of freezing cold water with ice was poured onto her entire body (yes, and her bed). The now angry teenager abruptly sat up and yelled, "[color=#873260]What the fuck?![/color]" Taking off her sleeping pieces, incredibly drenched, she glared at her butler and growled, "[color=#873260]My mom could have woken me up, Sebastian![/color]" "[color=firebrick]Pity, really. I'm actually surprised you reacted so... expressively. I thought you liked getting wet.[/color]" He stood tall as ever, with his emotionless blue orbs staring down at her and looking hella' [url=http://i.imgur.com/4SA9uYT.png]dapper[/url]. "[color=#873260][b]GET OUT.[/b][/color]" Sofia [i]hated[/i] mornings with a fiery passion and her butler just made it TEN TIMES WORSE. "[color=firebrick]Why don't you surprise your mother and be ready to exercise for once? If it wasn't for her, your life would be [i]meaningless[/i].[/color]" Rather than wait for the young girl to respond to him, he dismissed himself, deciding it was time to help the chef prepare breakfast for the family, "[color=firebrick]Everything is laying out for you. Don't make your mother upset, she is planning your sweet 18, after all.[/color]" He doubted Christopher would stay too long at the meal table, especially since the Matriarch of the house has been continuously begging him to make an appearance at the twin's bash in two weeks (August 8th). If it wasn't for Bianca, the twins would get nothing from their father. They were fortunate and yet they were so ungrateful. C'est la vie. One day they would learn (or not and never amount to anything). Ten minutes tops, Sofia was ready with her yoga pants, sports bra, sneakers, and hair tied up, her butler did have a point. Her mother went out of her way for her and her brother... Before reaching her daughter's room, Bianca stopped at her son's bedroom to make sure he was up. Poking her head in, she flashed the lights on, "[color=#86608e]Meu bebê! You have the whole day ahead of you. Tonight we will go to the auction! Isn't that excited?! Mamãe te ama.[/color]" Of course, she couldn't waste much time since she was on a tight schedule and needed to make sure she got her morning exercises in or daddy would be upset! When she reached her daughter's door, her face brightened, her striking blue orbs glistened, and a large, childish grin graced her face, "[color=#86608e]You're up! Mommy is so happy! Come, come. We can't waste anymore time.[/color]" Grabbing her other baby's arm, Bianca led the way to their gym while swaying her body to her tunes. The teenager tried her best to hide how grumpy she was feeling. Her mother was too goddamn happy. Sickeningly happy... but Sofia couldn't deny she loved her. A positive ray of sunshine. Not many of those in this community. 7 AM, on the dot. Bianca sat at the end of the unreasonably long table, placing a napkin on her lap. She was adorned with a gorgeous, purple dress, while her daughter wore a chic romper. Always after they were done exercising and everyone was awake, the music would settle down. No more dance party. How sad. Bianca made sure that Christopher had his favorite meal waiting for him (kissing ass so that she could ask [i]again[/i] for him to go to [i]his[/i] children's birthday party. She would not give up!). For him, he had 2 pieces of sourdough toast, two waffles, thick cut fried potatoes, two eggs, over easy (topped with cheese, fancy cheeses), four pieces of bacon (two chewy, two cripsy), and a glass of orange juice. He was a man that knew what he wanted (and what she wanted), one of the many things she adored about him! There was an assortment of fruits, cheeses, meats, pastries, drinks, and a decadent entrée for her children (usually their go to). For Bianca, she had an English breakfast: balik salmon, duck eggs, crème fraiche, Oscetra caviar, and several mini brioche. Absolutely divine! Oh, and she complimented it with Laurent Perrier champagne. Yes, Mrs. Helmsley was incredibly spoiled. Not touching her food until her entire family was sitting down, mommy dearest scanned the dining hall and pouted. Where was her son? Daddy would be here any minute now. [/indent]