[h3][center][color=ed1c24]Kaito Chigusa[/color][/center][/h3] Kaito looked at Kuro who had started denying his train of thought. As far-fetched as it sounded, it was entirely possible. But this cat-boy didn't seem to like the idea of it. Heartless were monsters, sure, and they're known for only thing about death and destruction... but what if there was something other than that? The cat-boy must have some kind of tragic history with the Heartless. [color=ed1c24]"I'm just saying it's possible."[/color] He said with a shrug. He then looked back at Shade as he began screaming. He turned into a puddle and escaped the lightning cage, but couldn't pass the light cage. Kaito winced, his eyes blurring for a second, before Victor disappeared. Kaito's eyes turned blue once more and he let out a yawn. Damn, he shouldn't have flown down here. He should've stayed and not followed Miarikia. Even with the overwhelming feeling of darkness coming here. He then saw Arken appear in front of the cage over cage over cage that held Shade. Kaito knew that it was safe to hang back now that the headmaster was here. He then watched as Arken spoke to Shade and shattered all the cages. Although this did not alarm Kaito. Arken knew what he was getting into and he was more than willing to bet that the guy could suppress and incapacitate Shade with just a snap of his finger. Then finally, Arken mentioned that Shade was a student. Kaito smiled. So he was right. [color=a36209]"This place must be crazy to let a Heartless in as a student."[/color] Rav piped up, mildly surprising Kaito. The animal doesn't really talk all that much so it was quite surprising that Rav would comment on something as minor as this. [color=ed1c24]"We keep one locked up. I don't find this surprising."[/color] The white haired male said. Rav remained silent though and Kaito looked back at Shade and Arken. The once twenty foot dragon was now just a small one, back in its original form, Kaito guessed. It was quite cute when you look at it. Kaito tipped his hat at Shade, indicating that he accepted his apology. Arken then went around, healing those that sustained major injuries from what Kaito assumed to be a fight earlier, even before Shade and that Seraphim transformed. Then, he began speaking once more, commenting on everything that they did in the field. When it was his turn, Kaito simply nodded. He may seem lazy, but he does think things through. He just prefers hanging back until someone else does it. But given the earlier situation, he had to act. Once Arken was done, a set of stairs appeared to the academy. Uh... he'd rather not... He felt Rav slither down and then turn into a horse. [color=ed1c24]"You just know what I'm thinking eh Rav."[/color] He said with a light chuckle before mounting the shapeshifter horse. Rav then went on full speed ahead, passing Arken, and then straight to the Grand Hall. Upon reaching the said place, Rav transformed back into a snake and went on Kaito again. The white haired male then walked to his previous position before he went down the island to check what was going on. Well this was one way to start the school year. A rampaging Heartless and an out-of-control Seraphim and first impressions just bad all around. Kaito shook his head but had a smile on his face. He was right. This was going to be interesting. He just thought being around other people with powers like him (but not demons like back in hell) was the only thing that's going to be interesting around here. Apparently not.