Is this okay? [hider=My character] [center][img][/img] [b]Name: [/b]Tyler Blackwell [b]Appearance:[/b]6'3 with brown hair, green eyes and black square glasses. Dress in hoodies and jeans, occasionally cargo pants. Sometimes wears plaid. He fidgets often and has a slight slouch. He has a deep and rather loud voice that dominates conversation. [b]Personality: [/b]Tyler is an introverted and pessimistic guy who stays inside most days working on code or sleeping. He's been diagnosed with clinical depression however he refused to take the medication prescribed to him. Despite his shut in nature he does posses a few close friends that he's acquired over his years in school. Tyler doesn't talk much, preferring to speak when he can actually say something meaningful rather than mindless conversation; however if you breach the right subject he's likely to not shut up. He's extremely intelligent, breaking the genius quotient at an IQ of 158. He often lets this go to his head and has developed somewhat of a superiority complex against his peers, he believes that his way is the right way since he is smarter than the people who disagree with him. [b]Likes: [/b]Computers, Video games, Metal music, Reading, Philosophy [b]Dislikes:[/b] Most people, Being told what to do, Social events, naivety [b]Hobbies: [/b]Programming; particularly malware and security exploits, perfecting video games, reading [b]Background:[/b] Tyler was born into a broken home, his father abused his mother for several years before abandoning both of them - and his mother lived off unemployment to supply the drug problem she developed after his father left. His mother ignored him for a large portion of his childhood and didn't notice the extraordinary rate of progression at which he developed. Tyler learned to read when he was two, and could solve math problems when he was three. The teachers definitely noticed though, skipping him through grades 2, 6, and 9. This made him far younger than all of his other classmates and put the possibility of friends quite far out the window. He found his first true hobby in grade 3 at the school computer by toying around with the back end components of the operating system. It took him several years to buy his own computer however, by the tenth grade he had become a well versed coder fluent in many programming languages. He even had managed to find a friend or two, albeit they rarely spoke outside of school. He soon realized that he could turn his programming talent into a source of income by selling his code online, the software with the highest demand obviously being malware. He made several hundred dollars a month by selling malicious code on the deep web, keeping most of it saved in a paypal account. By the eleventh grade Tyler had slowed down and began to look at the world for what he perceived it to be - terrible. He developed apathy towards the things in his life and began to miss school, doing many of his courses online. The school councilor noticed this behavior and referred him to a doctor in the nearby city, after a few sessions with him Tyler was diagnosed with depression and put on medication. He didn't even try the medication, choosing instead to try and find a purpose to work towards in his life. He though about this for a long time, close to a year, before decided that his purpose was change. Society had to be remodeled, and with the growing dependence on computer systems to house the security of government and corporation secrets he was the perfect person to do it. He joined an online "hacktivism" group to attempt to reach his goals.[/center] [/hider]