[center][img]http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/raptor-man2_zpsbzrk09ho.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Kelly Brown[/b] | [b]Samantha Kadowsky[/b] | [b]Zac Wilson[/b][/center] According to collegiate football rules, players can only practice so many times prior to the beginning of the regular season in the fall. Therefore, the players have to work on their own when organized practice is not allowed. In preparation for the football season, Zac does his usual routine: some weight training along with cardio and running so that he might be prepared to help the offense pound opposing defenses with their ground game. After he had broken a sweat or two, Zac would return home, take a shower to clean up, and relax. He had to pace himself lest he burn himself out even before the season started. After Zac had turned on the shower so that the water could warm up, he thought he heard Sammy’s voice coming from the apartment’s bedroom. While it was not unusual for Sammy to be over at his apartment because she was Kelly’s best friend, Zac swore that he had overheard someone saying ‘Lyger’. Although Sammy did have a massive crush on the cat themed hero and Lyger did break into their apartment during the Pax Metahumana crisis, Lyger was based in Lost Haven, not Albany, New York. Why would he even be here? Zac therefore snuck up to the bedroom door and creeked it open. When he peaked inside, he saw Sammy, who was fully dressed in her superhero threads, lying in the arms of a figure who was dressed in a dark costume. At his first glance, Zac could have mistake this person for Lyger. However, he realized that this could not have been the hero of Lost Haven because of the extra pair of arms and the wasp abdomen that was attached to this person’s tail bone. [color=Peru]“Okay, what’s going on in here?”[/color] Zac asked when he had entered into the room. Almost as soon as he had walked in, the dark-clad figure immediately dropped Sammy as if to pretend that nothing was hapeening. If Sammy were not a metahuman, she woukd hand crashed to the ground with a thud. However, due to her catlike reflexes, Sammy was able to twist her body in mid-air and touch down on the ground with the gracefulness of a cat. [color=Khaki]“We weren’t doing anything!”[/color] Kelly protested as she pulled the mask off her face.” “We were only just practicing how I would seduce Lyger. No big deal.” Sammy interjected. [color=Peru]“I’m not quite sure this is the healthy way to deal with this little obsession.”[/color] “One day, he [b]will[/b] realize that I am the true Sam in his life.” [color=Peru]“What?”[/color] “Back when all the heroes were attacking that Diplodoc guy’s base, after Lyger had been bewitched by the Silver Sorceress, he mentioned not wanting to lose someone named Sam.” [color=Khaki]“We’re just lucky that she did not assume that he was talking about her.” Kelly whispered to her boyfriend.[/color] [color=Peru]“Sammy, you do realize that Sam could also be a guy’s name, right? For all we know, Lyger could be gay.”[/color] “I am certain that he called Sam a her.” Sammy pouted at the very idea that Lyger might be interested in men. “[color=Peru]Are you sure he didn’t use the genderless you?”[/color] Zac asked. [color=Peru]“And this would explain why he gave you the cold shoulder despite your advances.”[/color] “LYGER IS NOT GAY! HE IS INTERESTED IN WOMEN LIKE ME!” After Sammy shouted at Zac, she then stormed out of the room. [color=Khaki]“That went well.”[/color] Kelly told her boyfriend. [color=Peru]“Hey, you were the one reinforcing her fantasy.”[/color] [color=Khaki]“I was trying to wean her off of it slowly. We don’t want her to snap and go all supervillainess on us.”[/color] [color=Peru]“Please don’t tell me that she has been having delusions of being Lyger’s Black Cat or Catwoman.”[/color] [color=Khaki]“You don’t want to know.”[/color]