[h3]Vaughtar[/h3] Vice grips ? Oh... Direct contact with humans had been a very rare thing on Munimis, so the gargoyle was anything but used to throttling back his strength to a level that didn't hurt them. "Sorry." Was there a bit of ruefulness in his voice ? It just didn't fit to the rest of the giant creature at all... Vaughtar released a series of loud coughs when a whisp of smoke coming from Hirsch's cigarette managed to find its way into his lungs. This strange habit left him behind with a severe lack of understanding: Wasn't life already difficult enough for humans ? Why did they have to deliberately do things that were just bound to hurt them ? Or well... maybe things were so relaxed for them on this 'Earth' that they could afford it easily. He had to stop applying the standards he was used to on this world and its inhabitants, really. The gargoyle was on the brink of asking about it when suddenly, the larger of the two marines, Hirsch, got virtually snatched away by this strange looking other creature that he had seen from the air. The action looked quite a bit like another pair of vice grips and the other woman he didn't know very well obviously was caught in it, too... What was its name ? Shanon ? The gargoyle wasn't sure since he had been busy with other things, but apparently Shanon had to be very strong despite the creepy noises emanating from its joints. It was an observation that shed light on a spontaneous idea, making him momentarily forget about the aerial recon requested. "Hey, erm... Shanon ? Could you do that with me as well ?" If the monk's magic failed while the sun was still high above the horizon - and that could happen at any moment - Vaughtar would be not that much more than a sitting duck. Others had already diagnosed that likely the whole team combined would not nearly have enough physical strength to move him anywhere if it should become necessary. So maybe Shanon could do it, though it would possibly look like a poor mount buried beneath a grey-black mountain of muscle, wings and claws.