I decided to make two characters but I'm only going to play one. I would appreciate any kind of opinions on which one you guys prefer. They don't have any bio yet. [hider=Jonas Logan] [center][h1][color=DodgerBlue]Jonas Logan[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/84/aa/f1/84aaf1ad11866bd6f369302f5d8409a8.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Player Name:[/b] Subject Zero [b]Character Name:[/b] Jonas Logan [b]Character Age:[/b] 28 [b]Character Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Jonas stands 6ft tall with a somewhat muscular build. His brown hair is shaved on the sides to allow cybernetic implants and his eyes are dark and his face is usually covered in light, scruffy stubble. The most notable thing about Jonas is his cybernetic parts. He has a neural implant on the side of his head and both of his arms are entirely robotic. [b]Profession:[/b] IT Engineer / Droid Mechanic [b]Nationality:[/b] Armani [b]Strengths:[/b] [list][*][b]Intelligent -[/b] When it comes to machines, hardware or software, Jo is one of the best around. In fact he may be better at dealing with machines than he is at dealing with people. [*][b]Strong -[/b] Literally. Jonas has robotic arms and his spine is braced to deal with the pressure placed on it by the cybernetic joints. [*][b]Droid Buddies -[/b] Jo's neural implant allows him to mentally control droids over a wireless network. He can only control one at a time and the larger the machine, the more mentally taxing it is on him.[/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list][*][b]Rebel -[/b] While Jonas understands the need for a command structure, people telling him what to do gets on his nerves. He will follow orders for the most part but will do it with a grumble and a complaint or two. He can be very hard to work with and if he disagrees with a command decision he will be the first to speak up on it. [*][b]Cybernetics -[/b] If his limbs were ever effected by an electromagnetic pulse or the like, it would effectively leave him crippled until someone helped him restore power. Likewise, his neural implant could cause him tremendous pain, were it to ever be effected in the same way. [*][b]Emotional Attachment -[/b] Jo tends to get emotionally attached to droids. He names them and thinks of them as friends so when anything happens to them he gets quite upset.[/list] [b]Personal Effects:[/b] Assorted clothes, various gadgets and various other stuff. Jonas' most notable possessions would be his droids which he built himself. His constant companion is a spider shaped droid that is often found on his back and is often mistaken for some kind of hard shell backpack. This droid and its two far smaller companions are used to help Jonas maintain and repair equipment and are usually deployed into places where he can't physically go himself. [b]Bio:[/b] How did they get here, one of the (relatively small) population to be chosen to survive? [b]Code Word:[/b] Pineapples don't belong on pizza. [/hider] [hider=Amara "Mercy" Locke] [centre][h1][color=violet]Amara "Mercy" Locke[/color][/h1][/centre] [centre][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ab/5c/56/ab5c56e5c394fc8f8b24339aca7f8292.jpg[/img][/centre] [b]Player Name:[/b] Subject Zero [b]Character Name:[/b] Amara "Mercy" Locke [b]Character Age:[/b] 25 [b]Character Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Amara stands 5 ft 5 inches tall with a slim frame. She has dark hair and eyes and Caucasian skin. She is a very attractive young woman but some have said that she would be even more attractive if she smiled more often. [b]Profession:[/b] Medic [b]Nationality:[/b] Martian Unity [b]Strengths:[/b] [list][*][b]Caring -[/b] Despite her sometimes terrible bedside manner, Amara actually does care a great deal about her patients. She will rush headlong into danger for anyone who needs help. [*][b]Athletic -[/b] Amara is surprisingly fast and nimble. She is a trained gymnast and is more than capable of putting these skills to use to get to places others would not normally be able to reach. It's not uncommon to see her traversing some high catwalk above everyone else. [*][b]Hand-to-hand combat -[/b] During her mandatory military service, Amara was never particularly fond of firearms. While she is perfectly capable of using a gun, she preferred to train in hand-to-hand combat and is quite skilled at taking down an opponent.[/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list][*][b]Reckless -[/b] Amara will often rush into danger to help others out without thinking about the consequences to her own personal safety. [*][b]Distant -[/b] Amara can seem very distant and even cold to those who don't know her. She isn't very talkative and often prefers to keep to herself rather than work with others. She isn't much of a team player.[/list] [b]Personal Effects:[/b] Other than clothes, the only things Amara really brought aboard the ship with her were a stuffed monkey and a collection of knives. Many people, understandably, find the latter a weird thing for a medic to keep. [b]Bio:[/b] Life on Mars was hard. The entire planet was a desert. And not even a warm desert. It was cold and dusty. Boy was it dusty. But Amara Locke was never anything but proud of her home planet. The people had a drive and a resolve to fight. It was the people that made Mars great in Amara's eyes. There were two people who she admired more than all the others though. Being the only daughter of a career military man and a workaholic doctor may have been difficult, sure. She didn't get to see either them as often as she would have liked to or even was normal for a child but she didn't resent them for not being around much. She knew what they did was important. She was proud of them. She wanted to be just like both of them. They were her heroes. Her father became even more of a hero to her when he helped push back the attacking Devastator fleet. Amara absolutely idolised her father. Unfortunately, a few years after the Devastator attack, Amara's mother passed away, effectively leaving Amara alone. Her father chose to take a step back from his duties and take a less active role in the military to care for her. From that point on, wherever he went, she went with him. As Amara grew and matured into a young woman, while all of her friends tried to decide what they wanted to do with their lives after school, Amara already new. She had known or a long time. She wanted to be just like her parents and she believed she had found a perfect middle ground to honor both of them. She began studying medicine from an early age and it was always something she enjoyed. So when she left school and entered he mandatory military service, she put her knowledge to good use, training as a field medic. It was a job she fit into well and it was here that she earned the nickname "Mercy". By the time Amara finished her two years military service, her father had already been assigned to the Genesis Project. While she could have joined him but decided to take some time to herself first. During this time, she took up gymnastics and found that she was surprisingly good at it. She had spent so long trying to be like her parents that it was nice to just be herself. But there was only so much time and Amara knew what was coming. Eventually she joined her father aboard the Vitae and prepared for a new life. Amara was always proud of her planet and her people. But it was time to say goodbye. It was time to leave Mars behind. [b]Code Word:[/b] Pinaepples [/hider] [B][EDIT][/B] Oh. I just realised my second character has the same surname as the commander. I can change that...Or possible relation?