Ba'al held back a sigh, showing his lack of caring towards the situation at hand as he let his gaze wander, even as Dromari made some sort of attempt at an excuse for why he was here. He wasn't going to roll over so easily, not even to a foe such as the Imperium. His infantry might not be able to match the forces gathered here, but he had his own cards to play. And he was definitely going to use them if he had to. Once Dromari had finished, Ba'al was struck with the almost overpowering desire to laugh in his face. Instead he restrained himself, merely smirking as he let out a chuckle at the sheer absurdity of those terms. He was a Goa'uld, and he was not going to give up territory without being forced over the barrel of a gun. At this point the gun he was over wasn't quite as firm as the Imperium might think, and he was more than ready to make them forget that. "Actually, I was a bit more concerned with the Ethereals than the Imperium," he replied smoothly, putting that silver tongue to work. "You know how nosy they can be, and I didn't want them spying on me or sabotaging my colonization efforts." He ignored the claim that he had left Imperium space, since he had as much of a claim to it as anyone else, even if he hadn't dropped in a full on battle fleet yet. there hadn't been a need before, but if a war began, then he would definitely have an excuse. Moreso than the Tyranids were. As for the demands, well, he had a good answer for that. "Actually, I have a better idea. You leave this planet, and leave my Arcadian land untouched. If you attempt to remove my people or seize any of my land through force, I will detonate the several Naquadria bombs that I have hidden within the Imperium's largest cities on Arcadia." There was the metaphorical gauntlet then, or at least another card that he had now being played. "I am not going to abandon my territory simply because some grunt tells me I should," Ba'al reassured Dromari. "And ultimately, all the men I have here are expendable. Can you say the same for your forces?" [@thewizardguy]