[hider=Gun'Tar] Name : Gun'Tar Mala'korai Race : Gargantu Gender : Male Age ( 18 - 30 ) : ( Garganuans live something like 300 years so an adult Gargantu is somewhere between 100 - 200 ) 187 years old Appearance ( picture / description if no picture is found ) : [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammerfb/images/d/dd/Troll.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20150801034659[/img] Eye color : Grey Height : 2.75 m Skills : [list] [*] Battle Skills : [*] Hammer Fighting [*] Resistant body [*] Life Skills : [*] Can eat almost anything [/list] History : Gun'Tar was different from his kind. He was born smart ( in comparison to his race ) but without any magical talent for that reason , he was thrown out of his tribe and was found by some Dark Humans ( before the war , they were normal humans ). He was raised to be a helper at the farm. Carrying any heavy stuff and tending the fields , he was a living plowing machine. When the war started and everyone was conscripted in the army , he was used as a battering ram against the Magi's Strongholds. He became a soldier and was the first Gargantu that was promoted to the rank of Sergent , leading his own squad. Gun'Tar killed many Magi and when the Citadel was built he was one of it's first guardians. He was promoted to the rank of Templar at first and after a he , on his own , stopped a big prison revolt was promoted to the rank of Grand Templar. He is now the oldest Grand Templar in existence. Predisposition to the Magi : Gun'Tar doesn't like the Magi. He may not hate them but he isn't liking them either , he was alive before the war and from what his adoptive parents told him...the Magi deserved their face. Plus , seeing first hand the horrors of the Magi War , he knows that Magi can become a powerful adversary if left unchecked. Personality : Gun'Tar is a born soldier. He shows respect to those that can fight and doesn't show respect to those that cannot. He strongly believes that life is a war itself and in a war...you have to know how to fight. If you don't fight , you die. He is a loyal soldier , strongly believing in the Empire ideology. Notes : His body is covered in scars and burns that never healed. He also is missing a finger from his left hand. [/hider]