[@Savato] [center][h2] - Altark Marian - [/h2][/center] Seemingly uninterested in the lands below, the Outliners had established a fleet orbiting Arcadia. Small enough to not be a direct threat, large enough to be a constant reminder of the danger they posed. There was no doubt, however, that this was far from their full force, and this was most likely not even a proper fleet. Perhaps half the ships were holograms, or perhaps they were merely unmanned, diversions for any incoming attack. Rumour has it that they once deployed an entire mock fleet as a mere distraction when first arriving on Arcadia, although this had been discarded as unlikely long ago. But it was undoubtedly a good thing that the small approaching Imperial ship had no intention of attacking the Outliners, mock or no, as they were ill prepared to deal with a trap. In light of recent events, a special delegation had been deployed to convene with the Outliners. Most matters, including what strategy to adopt against the Tyranid threat, would be discussed at the meet later today. However, the deal the Imperium wished to make with the Outliners was one that could not be proposed in front of allies of convenience. It would be... inconvenient. The matter discussed here might permanently end the Tyranid threat, or it might result in the destruction of the Imperium. Regardless of how it went, the fragile truce of Arcadia would be shattered. These thoughts flickered through the mind of Commander Altark as he made the voyage towards the strange round ships in the sky. Flanking him were two golden giants, standing impossibly silently and impossibly still, their hidden gaze surveying their ship. He knew that if anyone had made even the slightest move to harm him, they'd be dead in the blink of an eye. Somehow, that just made him more nervous. Hailing speakers were opened, and a short-range broadcast was sent out. Mock or no, the Outliners would receive the message. "I, Altark Marian, have arrived as part of a special delegation to propose a deal regarding the Tyranid threat. Our vessel is unarmed, and carries no void shields. Should you accept, merely give us a location, and we will teleport aboard a group of three." Of course, even if the location was perfectly harmless, if they didn't lower their shields they'd be atomised by the journey. A quick death, but still one he'd prefer to avoid. Hopefully, the Outliners were in a talking mood.