[b]Island Of Exiles And Uthgoliant[/b] This is the Island of Exiles. The island where nations from all over the world sent exiles who committed crimes, real or imagined. On this island, to the west of Erathel, existed the largest source of Uthgoliant's Brood ever known. The Brood of Uthgoliant possessed a hive which existed as an entire mountain. This entire mountain side WAS known as Shelob's Hive. Shelob laid down in his lair, looking towards the assembled demonic hordes and their negotiators. Uthgoliant's deal with the demons was simple, the spiders would not hunt down the demons, so long as the demons would placate the self proclaimed spider goddess with riches beyond imagining. Uthgoliant was content to be brought meals of Human flesh for her children, diamonds and other gemstones the size of boulders, or hills of golden coins. The Spider Queen looked among the gathering of demons before her. Over the years the demons have brought many great meals of cattle, Humans and occasionally demons who have failed their missions before Uthgoliant. Uthgoliant was content to feed on the shadows, rather than people, however Shelob on the other hand was greedy and gluttonous for mounds of flesh. The eldest of Uthgoliant's Brood looked towards the skittering spiders. Some the size of large dogs, some the size of horses, some yet the size of elephants, the Spider Queens, and he then looked towards the strange demonic horde bringing their peace treaty. Shelob licked his mandibles with one towards the other, as if dagger sharpened dagger. He then looked towards the negotiator. "This is not enough!" Suddenly, the rather large hive of The Brood turned towards the demonic menace. "Did you think we would give second chances? These meals are barely enough to feed one of our small hives. This is Shelob's Lair!" Horse sized spiders began to devour the small army of demons. "You'll never leave this Hive alive!"