[center][h1]The Saurilian Empire[/h1] [img]https://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/sawl__292291.png[/img] [/center] [hr] [h2]The Arrival[/h2] General Sjörn of the [b]Saurilian 1st Armed Battalion[/b] was offended by the question that he was first asked upon arriving, having said to have responded by saying, "What is wrong with a General taking control of a smaller force for once?" Needless to say, the general was not one who liked to be questioned upon his motives, something that his soldiers under him learned quickly. However, that was not the problem with this situation, the problem was the Seljuk's essentially starving innocent civilians. "I disagree that we should wait, civilians do not deserve such a cruel death. Have it not be thought that some may have been forced into the rebellion? Those people surely deserve a chance to live, no?," the Saurilian General had said before going off to give orders to his men personally.