[@Tyki][@supertinyking] [h2][center] - Rhemus, Dark Angels - [/center][/h2] The creature appeared to be threatening the Imperium in a rather incompetent manner, considering the probability of the creature actually acquiring any such information. With it's particular psionic talent it would get blasted from space before it got within 20 km of Throne City, if it even made it into Imperial territory. Those with no respect for privacy didn't last long in Imperial territory. "Your lack of talent is quite apparent. However, I am certain that some deal could be reached if you are as competent as you claim. If you wish to continue negotiation, then perform a combat demonstration. There are probably plenty of Tyranid near the border, and plenty of competent commanders with the authority to hire you on. Just try not to learn a secret you shouldn't have." The warning was earnest, mostly, as Rhemus had no doubt he would be called in to deal with this creature just because of his experience. "As for the power core, we will look it over with the Imperium, and replace it for free. It will need to be looked over regardless before it is allowed into Imperial Space, we don't approve of rogue space stations crashing onto our cities." As far as he had seen, all of this creature's abilities were based on creating things from it's own body, and his replacement of the power core would most likely be procured in the same fashion. This would also indicate he would retain control over it, at least to an extent. These were assumptions, but still, the idea of what was effectively a floating bomb in orbit over the Imperium wasn't appealing. The mutant's awkwardness was noted. It seemed a bit too amused by the disaster story. The kind of misguided enthusiasm often seen in a techpriest about 15 seconds before a facility-wide evacuation. "I would hope that you refrain from similar 'accidents' while you work with us. Imperial law states that all crimes committed before coming to Arcadia are forgiven by default, and as an employee you will be granted protection from any faction that disagrees. However, should such an incident occur within our labs, you would be tried for murder, and potentially the destruction of a facility. And our laws are quite strict on the matter." Almost as an afterthought, he also addressed the threat of the nuke. "And do not worry. If we believed you were worth shooting, not one among us would hesitate to sacrifice our lives to complete this goal. Death in service to the Emperor is a privilege, and I would gladly accept my retirement." Rhemus smiled, knowing that few outsiders recognized the true meaning of devotion, despite their claims of loyalty. But in time, perhaps Martin would learn to share in their dedication to the Emperor. "Now, I believe it is about time we leave. According to command, an AdMech squad will be deployed here in 15 minutes. I intend to have your data at HQ before then. As for you..." he nodded at Xel'Rath. "I would be pleased to introduce you to High Command. But come aboard only if you are certain that you can control your senses. There are many more powerful than me, and should you peek, they will notice. And in that place, they will not be lenient. I would prefer not to be standing near you when that happens." The threat carried no malevolence, it was merely a warning of the inevitable. The Rock was home to hundreds of secrets which the entire chapter was dedicated to keeping, and the entire place was designed as a maze from which no information could escape. Psychics monitored every ship that entered or left, and any visitors were under constant supervision of every kind. His nosiness would not be tolerated. He pushed Martin into the Thunderhawk, and waited a bit to see if Xel'Rath would follow. The other two squads joined them, already hanging up their weaponry and beginning the meticulous cleaning ritual. Whether Xel'Rath got on or not, the Thunderhawk would soon leave for the Rock.