[color=a2d39c][h2][center]Erin Middaugh - Astrobiologist[/center][/h2][/color] The clicking of her own nails was driving her mad. Every hangnail and chip was now a sharpened edge on which she stood, poised over a cliff of nervousness and excitement. The mystery of the unknown. The calling of a letter filled with such intrigue that she could barely contain herself. Yet, the daunting prospect of an entire group of people she didn't know...that was enough for such anxiety. She stood before the meeting room, a ticking time-bomb of awkward stuttering that would no doubt develop into a flood of barely relevant phrases graced with nervous laughter. She gulped hard and stuck a finger between her neck and the collar of a slightly wrinkled button up dress shirt; her attempt at business wear. Her slightly-too-long jeans bundled up under the heels of her shoes enough to make her feet ache. Enough to get her moving into the room as well, where she cautiously glanced about the individuals that had already passed her by without notice. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she chuckled nervously and stood near a wall to observe the pow-wow from a distance. All the while, she reassured herself that this would be worth it. This would be a discovery worth fighting for. [i][color=00a651]Tis okay, Erin, ya've got this. You always do.[/color][/i]