[Hider=The Knight with a shovel] Name: Shovel Knight Universe: Shovel Knight Appearance: [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/shovelknight/images/e/e4/ShovelKnightRun.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/200?cb=20140618052545]By my SHOVEL![/url] Personality: Shovel Knight is loyal to his allies as well as those who follow him with no real reason as to why they follow him. He is a kind and caring person who goes out of his way to help those in need of help even when he is on his own journey. Shovel Knight is a man of honor and he'll always fight fair and along what ever rules are set. He follows the code of shovelry and is to be believed the perfect example of it. Abilities: Blade of the Shovel Knight: He is able to bounce on enemies with his shovel, and dig giant holes in/through the earth with ease. Relics: Throughout his adventures Shovel Knight has acquired a lot of Relics -Throwing Anchor: It's a anchor that he throws in an arch at his foes. -Duster Knuckles: A pair of gauntlets that allows him to fight quicker with his hands. -Fishing Rode: Literally a fishing rod he found and uses a form of grapple device. Mostly for grabbing and reeling in his enemies. -Mobile Gear: It's two gears on laying on the other giving him a place to stand while the bottom gear rolls him around. Durability: He has great durability, and can hold his breath underwater for long periods of time. Alliance: Team Charmeine. Other: He would've been called in the time that takes place after the game because he's acquired all the relics in the game.[/hider]