[color=lightsteelblue][center][h3]- Niall -[/h3][/center][/color] [center][@Fetzen][/center] Niall smiled broadly as Mrs. Fairfield led them both to a small outdoor arena filled with sand as was customary. Niall pushed the mare easily through the open gate, opening up her stride to a long trot. The mare seemed to glow in the sunlight, her coat shimmering dazzlingly. Mihnet was forever trying to push and pull and gallop full out through the sandy arena but Niall kept her back, making her display her power in other ways. She would try nearly anyone's patience but that was the nature of grand horses, they were always the most quirky and trying horses. "[color=peachpuff]Alright boys, just start by warming the horses up. Get their muscles nice and loose. Asmund, just follow Niall's lead. If you aren't comfortable trotting that quickly just get the horse to a brisk walk. Mihnet is much more animated than your horse so don't worry about how things look for now.[/color]" Mrs. Fairfield smiled at both of them, watching Asmund carefully. Her lips twisted into a soft frown when she spotted the silver mare start to buck. Niall stayed on easily though, his seat was near perfect from years of formal schooling on horseback. It was a sort of requirement for the children in his family, his father was very old school. He'd even made Niall learn to fight with a sword and various other weapons. Niall laughed brightly, pushing the mare, bumping her with his calves to get her to buck harder until she settled back down. It was only a minute or so that Mihnet bucked but the display was impressive nonetheless. She'd worked up a sweat and it darkened her coat and along the lines where her equipment met her skin a froth had worked up.