[center][h1][b]CRISIS IN FARESIA![/b][/h1] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cd/Xh1.jpg/640px-Xh1.jpg[/img] [i]The Republic of Xian declared.[/i][/center] The economic crisis and political tension within the Meung Dominion at last boiled over with the announcement of the Dominion selling the coastal port city of Tsungmao to Saurilia. On July 9th, a bomb ripped a local housing block to shreds and over forty were confirmed dead in the city of Fumen. Once the fires were cleared and civilians evacuated, Meung investigators uncovered a plot to stage a revolt within the city and a whole network of communicating revolutionaries with dates and organization going back over a year. Upon making this discovery authorities in Fumen declared a state of emergency and the Emperor, Sui-Yi, was alerted to the possible national crisis. In the early hours of July 10th in central Fumen, while the city lay in silence, Xiong Zheng and units of the 'White Tigers' declared mutiny and laid siege to the government house of the provincial viceroy. With the city of Fumen quickly falling to revolutionary elements, telegrams from the administration building of the city were sent to the other western provinces declaring a national revolution and a end to the 'backwards Meung dynasty'. Of the 28 telegrams sent, 15 other regional provinces declared for the revolutionaries and on July 11th Dr. Wan Yen and the Xianese Revolutionary Alliance proclaimed 'The Republic of Xian' with Dr Wan Yen as provisional president. [center][img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80589065/Random/bb1c43_91d0ed629f7640148339086804d5560f.jpg[/img] [i]Artist's depiction of the Proclamation of the Xianese Republic.[/i][/center] In the immediate aftermath of the revolution, and loyalist forces cleared from the major cities, the republicans established diplomatic lines with Zellonia, Blutland, Saurilia, and Estalia. In immediate diplomatic pleas, the republican rebels called for continental support for a 'new Xian free of backwards thinking' that would 'embrace western ideals and culture'. While the diplomats fought for support, the White Tiger armies marched eastward in the hope of preparing a defensive line before Imperial forces could organize an offensive into the undefended borderlands between the two states. Though no skirmishes have taken place, western observers in both the Dominion and the Republic have stated that soldiers equipment is a melting pot of semi-modern rifles and artillery alongside blackpowder cannons and flintlocks. An Zellonian merchant living in Jinnan calling the sight of republican soldiers "The first modern Faresians'.