Sunder watched the girl for a moment, noticing that she stopped clenching something in her front, weird, poofy pocket on her jacket, and instead crossed her arms. Good- she was trusting him a bit more. No matter the smile or the sort- that was the real sign of trust. She wasn't keeping her guard up quite so much. He ignored her irritation- it seemed like everything irritated her. Would you like some help, he asked, and she narrowed her eyes angrily at him. I will turn you into a frozen statue, he said, and she narrowed her eyes angrily at him. Maybe food would get a more favorable response. Maybe. Nonetheless, a slow smile started, and eventually dominated his face. He knew her answer- there was no way that she'd refuse, not to his mind. And even if she did refuse, he'd convince her. He couldn't let her go without training, after all, so either she stayed here until she accepted the offer, or she accepted the offer. He literally couldn't let her go- he could feel the untapped well of her unrealized [i]mana[/i]- someone with worse intentions would sense it and take full advantage of her. So, he just nodded at her, and stood up again, sorting through a couple papers on his desk. It was a busy gesture- something just to add a bit of filler to himself- before he knocked on the wood of his desk four times. A minute later, as if someone had heard the low, dense knocking, there was an equally low, dense knock at the door. Not a jiffy later, the door opened to reveal a young maid- if a little dirty- wearing a rather simple white robe, blonde hair laying freely down her back. "Ah, thank you Priscilla. Would you show our guest, Jazelle, a room? She'll be staying the night, and she's had a very trying day. If she wants something to eat, bring her something simple. Tomorrow morning, she'll be eating breakfast with me. Same plate as I. Thank you, dear." Angling himself slightly to Jazelle, he addressed her. "Jazelle, meet Priscilla. She'll answer any questions you have. If you need anything, ask, but you'll not be leaving. Do get some sleep- you'll need it. You'll also be able to use the bathroom, if you need it. Each room has one. I look forward to talking to you tomorrow, Jazelle. Goodnight." With a nod aimed at Priscilla, he waited for both of them to leave [with Priscilla shutting the door behind them] before dropping into his chair. Well, he thought, things could've gone far worse. If only the person he rescued wasn't so damn moody. He could taste the moodiness in the air! He chuckled to himself, and then focused on more relevant matters- like finishing a little carving of an eagle. Retrieving both half-finished wooden eagle and carving knife, he leaned back in his chair and set to it.