Meesei followed Fendros, pleased that he at least seemed to be going in the right direction. As she expected, he didn't exactly know what he was doing and almost lost his way a few times.She could have easily corrected him, set him on the right path, but she refrained from doing anything except following, as this was a learning experience for him. If need be, she would intervene, but fortunately, he managed to find his way each time, despite having to backtrack a few times. When the scent grew strong enough, she could tell they were growing close, so for the last few feet before the ogre came into view, she moved in front of Fendros and slowed down, signalling for him to stop as well. She crept forward slowly and silently, peering through the brush at the ogre on the other side, which seemed to be simply relaxing on a large rock. It looked to be a young one, large, but not exceptionally so compared to others of its kind. Nevertheless, it was stronger than a werewolf, though not by too much. With his claws and teeth, Fendros should be capable of killing it. His inexperience with fighting in his lycan form would make it difficult, but she would be there to make sure he was not harmed too seriously. Meesei turned around, bringing her head close to Fendros. "Good work. Now, kill it." She whispered. Unless he got himself into too much trouble, she had no intention of helping and would simply remain close by while he fought.