[H2]Name: Tarama[/h2] [hider= Western fur dragon] Gender: Female Species: Western fur dragon Age: hatchling Appearance: She is covered in a soft layer of fur that slowly turn into a feather layer around the wings. This helps her flying easier and higher. The fur on her tail is especially soft to the touch and it can shine in direct sunlight, the more white it grows with age. [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/flightrising/images/4/47/Skydancer_hatchling_color.png/revision/latest?cb=20130825055031[/img] [hider=Adult - I know this isnt relevant for a while but wanted to save the pic][img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/f32c/f/2014/003/e/5/skydancer_f_dragon_elements_friendly_by_eylsmearrose-d70ovdq.png[/img][/hider] Personality: She is curious, but what would one await when you just hatched. Everything is new and shiny. ANd the question of what is this keep on playing the main motivation in looking around. Tarama is as well playful and attracted to sound. She has good hearing and when nervous scared or unsure she would nibble on the tip of her tail. Ah her only other family, she likes to keep her brother close and while he enjoys swimming she enjoys flying overhead him. SHe is as well protective of him as she is older and watched him hatch. Bio: Inside her egg she slept for a long time, at times Tarama could tell something else was leaning against her egg shell. Something warm and at times moving. In response she would shift in her safety a little bit letting the whatever it was beside her know that she noticed it shift. That she was there. But doing that little shake would tire her out and soon she would again fall in a dreamless sleep. Power 1: Sound manipulation. From breaking stuff by screeching too loudly and hitting the right frequency, causing headaches or the similar. If her powers are fine tuned she can put her targets to sleep with a lullaby or cause confusion and disorientation. Type of Dragon: wind breather. Family: Sibling - Veilan that hatched a few hours after her. Parents - Unknow Friends: None for now. Sentimental Attachment: None for now. Other: In her curiosity she attempted to steal her brothers pendant a few times, which didnt went well. But the one in his sleep she managed to slip it off him. The moment he woke up Veilan tackled her and took the necklace back. After that she isnt it attempting it that often anymore. [/hider]