Before everything else: -I would prefer to RP over PM but will do thread if you're really against it -I'm looking for a minimum of 3 paragraphs (300 words) per post, sometimes less is okay if it's an actiony scene or required because of other reasons (I usually do 300-600 words depending) -I am open to time periods/ settings as long as it's set in the past some time and realistic. -Please Pm with interest [hider=concept] [center]A life lived in Order; a life Controlled.[/center] Our world was a simple one, but a safe one, a happy one. Our leaders ideal for our world was simple; Purpose, Law and Order. Crime was all but non-existent, people could walk the streets at night and feel safe. That was until [i]they[/i] came. Those who sought to oppose the order we had all held so dear, suddenly there was depravity, there was fear and there was death, murder. Our leaders were being targeted, assassinated. They are disorder, corruption, Chaos. We were safe, we were happy we were- [center]A life of Freedom; a life of Chaos.[/center] Trapped. They didn’t realise how much they were being deprived of. How much they were being controlled and manipulated. All in the name of ‘Order’. They are scared, of course they are. Their only view on the world is suddenly being challenged and everything they have known is now uncertain. But we will not stop. We will fight the Order until the last man if need be. Because everyone deserves a chance to think for themselves, a chance to do what their heart desires. To be Free.[/hider] [hider=plot]Okay so I am looking for someone to work on me here with the plot. I have a set up and a really lose over-arching plot but as for little things I am looking for input/ ideas and contributions <3 The main set up is that your character was just a normal guy living his life in a relatively peaceful world, of course there was still crime, but it was minimal and well managed by the leadership, people felt safe. Until this new group of people arrive, those who are challenging the leadership who have held a rather strict order over the citizens for generations. Some fear them because they have brought disorder and fear. Some believe that this is long overdue, however some are taking matters into their own hands, killing on whim and running amok, the new freedom gone to their heads. Your character is minding his own business, on his way home one night when he is suddenly attacked by such a radical. However he is saved by one of these new-comers saves him, killing his attacker. Of course he is fearful of her, believing that she is simply going to kill him too. That is what the leadership has told them people like her do. However she simply leaves. The next day, still confused by the events of the previous night, he discovers her again, though injured now from the fight the previous night. He decides to help her and as they spend time together she tries to explain the truth about her group, how they simply want to free the people from the control of their leadership, how they had been manipulated, lied to in order to maintain control over them. So most of the plot would probably be teaching your character the ways of this rebel group, planning and eventually taking out the leadership one by one.[/hider]