[@supertinyking][@Nightknight][@Absolis][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@thewizardguy][@Wraithblade6] Firebrand nodded at Viral's request, opening his mouth wide. The embers of one last blast flecked out at the corners, heralding the end. He honestly hadn't been expecting to get through with this duel without any interference. Then he heard the rat invoke a spell. He immediately spun on his heel and heaved the blazing ball of Darkfire he'd meant for Viral at the rat, taking off into the air at the same moment. The dream had of course been too good to last. Maybe they'd all waited patiently before, but now that someone had already interfered the game was up. The genie was out of the bottle. Anyone could potentially do anything now and he had responsibilities to think about. Besides which, he'd had enough of spells being cast on him today. He landed heavily next to Damien. "Horned Rat. Not something I've heard of. Know anything?"