Crimson gives the droid a side long look before looking at the Admiral and using their signal to ask permission to report telepathically, not trusting the droid that had stayed behind not to be some kind of spy. He took the time to appraise the area of the ship they were in and frowned, remembering that Dooku had called what was going on here a Separatist movement. By this point, he was certain that they weren't in the Sector anymore, though what happened when they passed through the wormhole, well, that was up in the air. [color=FireBrick][i]Well, at least we survived it. Hear stories on every ship I'm on about jump accidents that makes ships disappear and never be heard from again until the wreckage is found months later way off course with no survivors.[/i][/color] He shook his head. Such stories were to be expected amongst crewman, but the fact that even the officers bought into them was pathetic.