[hider=Darius Montgomery/The Shadow] Name : Darius Montgomery Race : Human Gender : Male Age ( 18 - 30 ) : 21 Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/destined-dynasty-warriors/images/0/0a/Rex_valentime.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140618092407[/img] [/hider] Fur Color ( only if Kil'garen ) : Eye color : Brown Height : 6'2 Skills ( Sword fighting , archery , cooking etc ) ( maximum 3 ( life skills ( cooking etc ) ) and maximum 2 weapon skills ) : Archery, Knife throwing. inventing, repairing, first aid. History ( you have to write a reason why he/she is serving at the Citadel ( only those with decorations or from rich families are sent there ) ) : Darius is an assassin, and a very infamous one at that. He is known throughout the land as never missing his target, and never needing a second chance. Also he has never bene caught, so no one knows what he looks like. People have given him the alias, The Shadow, because he moves silently and discreetly. You know when the Shadow has made his move because he leaves a small calling card. He leaves a small card with his targets name x'ed out in red. Darius is in the Citadel because of a contract, and was able to get into the Citadel through his Employers connections. Predisposition to the Magi ( he/she may hate the Magi with all his/hers being or he may take a pity on them and be friendly ) : Darius does not care about anything. Personality : Darius is calm, cool, and collected. He thinks before he says anything and he cares not for the lives he takes. Notes ( things purely for story ) : [/hider]