[color=00aeef]Hello there. I am new to this site. I was suggested to come here and try out the world of The Guild. I have been roleplaying for many years, and still love to do so. Sadly it seems that the places I have been too focus more on...well, bed stuff than the actual story and development of characters, and as such I have gotten a little lazy with my posts which I am sad about. However, hopefully this place can get me going for real again. I am a 25 year old Dane, which means I live and come from Denmark. English is not my mother language, so if you see some grammar errors, then it's because I haven't gotten all the grammar rules nailed down, and basically I'm just running on what feels right (which seems to have gotten me a long way so far :) ) Other than that, there's not much to tell. I suppose I could name some hobbies, which are playing music (guitar, drums and singing) and gaming (mostly RPGs when I have the time to do so). Other than that, I'm just busy with work (yubiiie for adult life) and I think that's about it. I'm looking forward to trying out this place and hopefully get some good stories going :) Over and out - Valchyrie. [/color]