[center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f1/Fictitious_Ottoman_flag_9.png[/img] [u][b][color=beige]The Sultanate of the Seljuk[/color][/b] - [i]July, 1910[/i][/u][/center] "Greetings be upon you, Ambassador Mehmet!" The Sultan rose to his feet. Those assembled drew in their breaths, for the weight of the Sultan's feet upon the worn stone was only given to those deserving. If nothing else, Mehmet deserved [i]some[/i] praise. Given the backwater post of the diplomatic embassy in the faraway Zellonian Republic, few would have guessed that such power could come with the power of the pen--a pen held by a lowly ambassador such as Pasha Mehmet, none the less. Mehmet's arrival was beset by the Imperial Guard, and his purpose was to see the Sultan directly. [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/08/Sultan_Abdul_Hamid_II_of_the_Ottoman_Empire.jpg[/img] [i]Ambassador Pasha Mehmet, photograph taken 1907[/i][/center] "It is an [i]honor[/i]," Mehmet said, stopping at the foot of the archaic, gilded throne. The Sultan slid back into the seat and eyed the plain clothed man as if in awe. "As much as it is an honor to bring greatness to the Sultanate." "Yes," the Sultan nodded. The signing at Tanaz has effectively reigned in power in the region by breaking up the Zello-Blutlandic Alliance, an alliance so fresh the ink had barely drawn on whatever treaty they had signed. So effective was the Treaty that the once far and away Zello-Suljic relations had also been opened for analysis one more. "And it must be made apparent, Ambassador Mehmet. You will [b]not[/b] maintain your post in Zellonia." "I live to serve," Ambassador Mehmet said, dropping his chin against his plain black tunic. "A facet I wish to extend to the Karalians. No," the Sultan said, waving to a nearby servant, who brought forth a folded envelope. "While Minister Turkysi has served the Empire for three decades, the Council and I have agreed that it is Divine Will for you to be elevated to the position of the Minister of the Foreign Office, responsible for setting foreign policy." Ambassador--not Minister--Mehmet's eyes shot wide. "It is truly an honor, Sultan. As always, I live to serve the Realm, the Empire and the Sultan. I will conduct myself with all the dignity expected of me." With another wave, the servant stepped forward and handed the envelope to the new Foreign Minister. He hesitated before ripping open the envelope. "Enclosed you will find disturbing news, [i]Minister[/i] Mehmet," the Sultan said in the wake of the scurrying Sultan. "News reaches that the easily enamored Queen of Saurilia has sent diplomats to the fledgling Kingdom of Blutland to formalize a mutual defensive alliance." [i]But why?[/i] The Minister wished to wonder aloud the question, but understood it was not the incentive of the Sultan to answer such inquiries. Blutland and Saurilia held no mutual ideas, claims or goals, but it was often beyond the realm of understanding for the uncivilized Easterners. Few understood still the wisdom of the Seljuk. "I will send our best diplomats to better understand the ambitions of the Northerners, Divine One." "I've no doubt of that, Minister Mehmet. [i]Go[/i], you've a days work ahead of you and already the sun has reached it's highest point." After more airy pleasantries had been exchanged, and paperwork signed, the new Foreign Minister was swept out of the Palace of the Seljuk Capital and into the city proper. As a Minister of the Divine Council, he was allotted certain privileges that did not exist as a lowly foreign ambassador. One was the use of the City Taxi's, foreign purchased automobiles that could ferry government officials around the bustling city of Tankara. He asked the front guard to hail him one, and set off for the Foreign Office. [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/9d7f72aa9ac87f68dc1fbf9cdf8cbcea/tumblr_nlvxmtf4iC1tmm2yno1_1280.jpg[/img] [i]A photograph of the Seljuk capital, Tankara, circa 1910[/i][/center]